What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them.” (Matthew 9:36)
Jesus distinguishes between the sheep and the shepherds (workers).
When Jesus sees the crowds, he does not see them as wicked sinners.
He sees them as lost sheep, abandoned by their shepherds.
As Jesus followers, we are called to serve the sheep (John 21:15ff).
Like Jesus, we are to have compassion on them – not condemn them.
Unfortunately too often we do not care for the crowds.
We separate ourselves from them, accuse them of sin, condemn them.
Jesus laments the failure of the shepherds to do their job.
Do we as Jesus followers have compassion on the lost sheep around us?
Are we, like the good shepherd, offering ourselves for the sheep.
Or are we abandoning them to the wolves, not caring (John 10:11-13)?
Jesus is not critical of the sheep; he has compassion on them.
Jesus is critical of the shepherds (leaders, Jesus followers)…
For not doing their work, for not having compassion on the crowds.
Lord Jesus, your compassion for lost sheep both humbles and inspires me. Fill my heart with your compassion, that I too may serve the lost sheep like a good shepherd, and not an uncaring hired hand.