obeying Jesus’ Law

There are two chapters assigned for today!

SCRIPTURE: 2 Chronicles 27
King Jotham became powerful because he was careful to live in obedience to the Lord his God. [2 Chronicles 27:6]
What would it sound like if I were to insert my name into this sentence: Norman became powerful because he was careful to live in obedience to the Lord.
I do not understand “powerful” in the worldly sense of rich, strong, famous, etc, but rather in the God-sense of being successful in the Lord’s work, effective in advancing the kingdom of God.
Like Jotham, if I make my top priority to live in obedience to the Law of Jesus [Matthew 28:19, 1 Corinthians 9:21], I can be effective and successful in my kingdom work.

As he was speaking, a woman in the crowd called out, “God bless your mother—the womb from which you came, and the breasts that nursed you!” Jesus replied, “But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.” [Luke 11:27-28]
It is not enough to know Jesus, it is not enough to be loved by Jesus, it is not enough to be related to Jesus by faith.
Yes, Jesus’ mother was blessed because she knew Jesus as she did, but Jesus makes it clear that the blessing that really matters is for those who listen and obey to His teaching, who put it into practice.
I am blessed to know Jesus, but I will be even more blessed if I obey Him!

Under the Law of Moses, there were very clear and specific commands that were to be obeyed.
But what is the Law of Jesus, what are the things I must obey if I want to be effective and successful for Him?
Do I see Jesus’ teaching about love, forgiveness, self-denial, turning the other cheek, visiting the poor, proclaiming and living the good news, etc. as COMMANDS to be obeyed?
My tradition of christianity has put much more emphasis on obeying the 10 commandments, and seeing these are the summary of Jesus’ Law.
But as I think about it, the 10 commandments are but illustrations or examples of the Law of Jesus, and that Jesus’ Law goes deeper, further than they do [see Matthew 5, “but I say to you!”].

Forgiveness is not just a good idea, it is the Law of Jesus; love for our enemies is not just a suggestion, it is the Law of Jesus; self-denial is not just a request, it is a command of Jesus.
If I want to become powerful and effective in Ajax, in the ministry of Crossroads as well as in my personal and family life, I need to be careful to live in obedience to my Lord, Jesus!

Lord, forgive me for reducing Your Law to the ten commandments; help me to commit myself to obeying Your Law, which includes but goes much deeper and further than the ten commandments. I want to be powerful (successful and effective) for You!

One Comment

  1. ‘He did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, just as his father Uzziah had done . . . the people, however, continued their corrupt practices.’

    Asd the leader goes, so to go the people but that is not always true. Leaders do live in glass houses and must in their walk show how to live for Jesus. But the leader can not change the hearts of man. Leaders can only show the right way to go and do it themselves. I too need to walk steadfastly before the Lord my God.

    Sir are you coming back next year? is a question kids continue to ask here. Not that I am an excellent teacher they love, but because the trust relationship they need from day to day. That trust, that lifeline I need each and every day so that I can walk in His Way by my trusting and obeying. They will know who I am by my love – serving the Lord God – servant leadership – walking in His SonShine so that I can be GodStrong and because the Spirit leads me in the Way to go I can be SpiritStrong and I can share the riches I have because in Christ Jesus I am rich – I am ChristStrong.

    I love You Lord, and I lift my voice
    To worship You!
    O my soul, rejoice!

    Take joy, my King
    In what You hear
    May it be a sweet, sweet sound
    In Your ears

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