Putting grace to work!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Put this money to work,’ he said, ‘until I come back.” (Luke 19:26)
This parable explains why God’s kingdom doesn’t appear at once (v.11).
Jesus is like the man of noble birth, going away to be appointed king.
The disciples are the ten servants asked to put his money to work.
The point in this parable is not the literal details in it.
Jesus uses a true story; in 4 BC Herod Archelaus went to Rome.
He was a hard man; the Jews hated him and he killed many of them.
In stark contrast, Jesus is a good king and isn’t cruel.
His kingdom is about multiplying people, not just money.
He sends servants to bless people, not to get riches and power.
Why would we resist a king like this; why wouldn’t we work for him?
Until Jesus comes back our job is to bless people with his blessings.
Sharing love, joy, peace with others – this is Jesus’s currency.
I am a servant of the king of grace, blessed to multiply his blessing!
Today is another day for sharing grace until the king of grace returns!
Lord, you are a gracious king, you have blessed me in amazing ways. Help me not to be a ‘hard man’ with your blessings, but to put it to work for our!


  1. Rejecting the king and rejecting to use the resources that the king gave – in this case the minas – in both cases the outcome is the same – condemnation – everything taken away. Yet, before the man became the king -like before Jesus left for heaven – he entrusted 10 of his servants with a resource – a mina. Some used it to great effect and they multiplied. So it must be for each of us who follow Jesus. We are gifted and we can use these gifts to bless others – and so others will find grace and mercy to – we need to be faithful to use our ‘minas’. Lord help me to put my mina to work for the sake of your kingdom! That’s how the kingdom comes!

  2. All that I have is Thine alone.
    All that I have a blessings from the Lord.
    A that I have are to be used in His service – kingdom service. I need to be a servant rue striving to please Him in all I do.
    Each day is the Lord’s day given to be that servant, using His gifts given in His name to be a blessing to those I meet and greet. Continue to work in me and through me Lord that I may be a servant true.

    Make me a servant, humble and meek.
    Lord, let me lift up those who are weak,
    And may the prayer of my heart always be:
    Make me a servant (x2)
    Make me a servant today!

    Even though You were in the form of God,
    You took the form of a slave.
    You accepted death even on a cross,
    So God exalted Your name.

    Ere You formed me in my mother’s womb,
    You called me by my name.
    And you touched my mouth and appointed me
    A prophet to the world

    May I heal the sick and the crippled bind,
    Bring back the sheep that stray.
    May I seek the lost and the weak made strong,
    With justice feed the poor.

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