He is able, I am not!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Far be it from us to forsake the Lord.” (Joshua 24:16)
These stories were passed on through the centuries by the people.
They were a constant reminder of God’s promise, and their own.
But the irony in them is that they often did forsake the Lord.
I remember my own public commitment to serve the Lord.
It was sincere enough, I had not intention of not following the Lord.
But looking back, I can see many times when I have turned aside.
My spirit may be willing, but my flesh is weak.
This story serves as a witness to my own weakness and inability.
“You are not able to serve the Lord…” (Joshua 24:19)
The stability in my relationship with Jesus is his, not mine.
Jesus knows that I will struggle and stumble, yet still goes with me.
Far be it from him to forsake me, for he is able to serve me.
This story reminds me to humbly admit my struggling faith.
And to be gracious with others who struggle – Jesus is with them too.
Lord, thank you for staying true to your promise when I struggle to keep mine. Thank you for not giving up on me; help me not to give up on you!


  1. “But you are to hold fast to the Lord your God, as you have until now…But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” All the people who entered the land under Joshua – who witnessed what God had done to bring them to the promised land – remained faithful. Joseph’s , Joshua’s, and Eliezer’s bones are now buried in the promised land – as well as all those who came with Joshua. They remembered and believed. From time to time it is good to look back and see where God has taken me – I see God’s faithfulness in spite of my own deviations. God is faithful!

  2. Today’s reading reminds me of my life. I too need to say and do, ‘But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.’ I too need to recount all what the Lord God has done for me. I too need ‘tassels’ to remind me of His faithfulness, promises fulfilled. I too need to focus on Jesus and not the world around me. I need to part of His family doing His will, serving Him and not my selfish desires or the desires of the world around me. I need to keep my eyes on Jesus. Lead me and guide me Lord by Your Spirit.

    Keep your eyes on Jesus
    When the tidal waves of trouble ‘round you roll
    Keep your eyes on Jesus
    He will calm the storms of life that cost your soul

    Living in a world that’s full of sorrow
    We are tried and tempted everyday
    Knowing not the secrets of tomorrow
    We find rescue when we watch and pray

    Keep your eyes on Jesus
    When the tidal waves of trouble ‘round you roll
    Keep your eyes on Jesus
    He will calm the storms of life that cost your soul

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