Believing for others!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“When Jesus saw their faith…” (Luke 5:20)
Did you notice whose faith Jesus responded to – “their faith”?
We find no mention of the paralyzed man’s faith.
Jesus responds to the faith of others on someone else’s behalf.
What an encouragement to me for those who may struggle with faith.
But also for those who struggle in faith for a loved one.
Imagine the friends tearing and ripping at the roof tiles.
See their determined love and desperate faith for their friend.
This is like the aggressive prayers of a believer for someone else.
The Lord uses our prayers for others to help them too!
Jesus loves this paralyzed man more than these friends do.
He sees his needy soul condition, and assures him of God’s forgiveness.
The friends wanted body healing, Jesus gave whole life healing.
The Lord hears our prayers for others, and goes beyond what we ask.
May this inspire and encourage us to pray with fervor for others!
Lord, my faith, hope and love for others can help them too. Please help ______ to know and experience your whole life healing!


  1. The men carrying as well as the paralyzed man had faith in Jesus – the Jesus could heal him: “When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” At this point Jesus had not physically healed the man – Jesus said that his sins are forgiven. Up to this point this man was condemned as a ‘bad sinner’ because he was cursed with this paralysis – because of that he was not allowed to go to the temple either. Jesus knew this man needed to know that he is forgiven – and that is the first thing Jesus ‘healed’. The poor, the victims of injustice and addiction – I’m sure are down on themselves – they need to know that they can receive forgiveness – they too need to know Jesus – so that they can be healed of that negativism in their life – that they can move on and take steps to be completely healed!

  2. One anothering.
    We do not know what influence our lives have upon on another by our words and deeds. In our living for Jesus, we are instruments of His peace. As we love God our love must also be toward others. They too need to experience the joy of the Lord Who is my strength and song. Actions and words need to be in sync. Above all, all needs to be brought to the Lord in prayer.

    What a Friend we have in Jesus,
    All our sins and griefs to bear!
    What a privilege to carry
    Everything to God in prayer!
    O what peace we often forfeit,
    O what needless pain we bear,
    All because we do not carry
    Everything to God in prayer!

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