Holding Jesus back?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“They tried to keep him from leaving them.” (Luke 4:42)
The people loved having Jesus, and hearing his good news message.
They were eager to be with him, and to be blessed by him.
And they were frustrated when he wanted to end their time together.
This makes sense to me… like vacation we don’t want to be over.
I have also sensed this in my own experience of Jesus.
I love those holy moments when Jesus feels near, and I feel blessed.
But then I have to go back into the real world, with others.
How can I experience my time with others as a holy moment too?
Jesus does not leave me, but he is eager to bless others too.
Am I keeping Jesus to myself, staying huddled in my own holy moment?
What if the more I try to keep Jesus to myself, the less I experience him.
Jesus’s blessing is meant to be shared; we are meant to blessed by sharing it.
I sense the Lord inviting me to take my holy moments on the road.
To experience him in “other towns”, with “other people” who need his blessing.
Lord, where will I be today, or where will I go with you, to experience you through gracing others. I want to join you, not hold you back or be left behind.


  1. “they tried to keep him from leaving them” I think I would feel the same way. To be in the presence of Jesus – to listen to him – to see his face – his eyes – his deep compassion for people. I wouldn’t want him to leave either. Jesus is near – the kingdom is here – present in the HS. He is close – we just have to be open to him and not let our own will and ego and anxieties get in the way. Lord Jesus – forgive me when I forget you – I know its not you leaving me! It’s me.

  2. My priorities.
    My focus of the day should be living for Jesus.
    Keep first things first. Jesus again spent time in prayer with His Father. After giving adoration to God, He goes out to serve. God’s will be done. In all I do and say, I am in His SonShine showing me the way and giving me the stay to do His will. Jesus first. That needs to be my priority. Spending time with Him in His Word and prayer.

    All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
    I surrender these into Your hands
    All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
    I surrender these into Your hands

    For it’s only in Your will that I am free
    For it’s only in Your will that I am free
    Jesus, all for Jesus
    All I am and have and ever hope to be

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