‘What about you?’


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Then the Lord said to him, “Now then, you…” (Luke 11:37)
When we invite Jesus into our life, we invite him to see the inside.
This Pharisee critiqued Jesus for his ‘unholy’ behaviour.
Jesus returns the favour, and challenges his hollow holiness.
Will I be critical of Jesus or others, Jesus responds “now then, you…”
In my relationship with Jesus, I will sometimes feel his loving rebuke.
Jesus accepts me as I am, but he loves me too much to leave me that way.
He wants to set me free, and to be all that God made me to be.
Jesus still speaks to us, gently comforting, convicting or compelling us.
We can hear him through scripture as we meditate on what we read.
Through this passage, Jesus challenges me to look at my ‘religion’.
Am I pretending to be someone on the outside, but neglecting the inside?
Do I focus on religious activities, yet neglect justice and the love of God?
As Jesus speaks to this Pharisee, I hear him whisper to me, ‘what about you?’
We invite Jesus into our lives SO THAT he can expose our follies and set us free.
Lord, thank you for joining with me, and for your gentle rebuke. It is not always nice when you point thing out, but it is always good, and loving. Thank you.


  1. More than skin deep: “You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone.” Its not just the outward show or tradition – its a heartfelt thing – caring about God and neighbour – consistently. In all that I do – my giving, my devotions and my living help me to practice justice, kindness, empathy and love for others as you do Jesus! Seeking what matters so that the kingdom is near because a child of God is on the scene! Help to grow in faithfulness each day!

  2. You can not tell a book by its cover.
    You can not tell a person by their looks.
    It is what is on the inside what counts.
    When I have the Love of God in my heart, then I am capable to loving those around me.
    The love of God compells me to share His love to others. They need to see that I m a Christian by my love.
    Loving = knowing = doing

    “We are one in the Spirit
    We are one in the Lord
    We are one in the Spirit
    We are one in the Lord
    And we pray that all unity may one day be restored
    And they’ll know we are Christians
    By our love, by our love
    Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love”
    I am free to serve Him always.

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