doing the dishes with Jesus

SCRIPTURE: 2 Chronicles 4
Then he cast a great round basin, 15 feet across from rim to rim, called the Sea. It was 7½ feet deep and about 45 feet in circumference. It was encircled just below its rim by two rows of figures that resembled oxen. There were about six oxen per foot all the way around, and they were cast as part of the basin. The Sea was placed on a base of twelve bronze oxen, all facing outward. Three faced north, three faced west, three faced south, and three faced east, and the Sea rested on them. The walls of the Sea were about three inches thick, and its rim flared out like a cup and resembled a water lily blossom. It could hold about 16,500 gallons of water. He also made ten smaller basins for washing the utensils for the burnt offerings. He set five on the south side and five on the north. But the priests washed themselves in the Sea. [2 Chronicles 4:2-6]
A lot of water was present in the temple, for washing the people and the sacred dishes and utensils.
This makes sense, if you remember the blood and the animals present for the sacrifices – it was a messy business.
But the water was not just a practical necessity; it was an important spiritual symbol.
The water represents the need for spiritual cleansing, having our sinful hearts washed and forgiven.
This idea of cleansing is repeated through the bible, and is best seen in the symbol of baptism and when Jesus washes the disciples’ feet.
We also see Jesus debating with the religious leaders about the need for symbolic cleansing, and His emphasis on spiritual (inward) cleansing as more important [Matthew 15:1-9].

What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy—full of greed and self-indulgence! You blind Pharisee! First wash the inside of the cup and the dish, and then the outside will become clean, too. [Matthew 23:25-26]
What I hear Jesus saying is that God is less concerned about our religious rituals, than He is about what they mean.
Don’t just go to church – worship God; don’t just meet with Christians – love them!
Don’t just recite the Lord’s Prayer – talk to God; don’t just put money in the plate – devote Your heart to God!
Don’t just make a donation to a charity – care about the poor and needy!
Don’t just say sorry or do ‘penance’ – actually repent, hate the sin and strive to change!
Don’t just be baptized – surrender Your heart to the Lord’s cleansing, transforming power.

Somehow I need to wash the inside of the cup; I need to deal with what is going on inside of me, the sinful motives and attitudes and behaviours.
But I cannot do this by myself, therefore I need to daily approach God (like the priests) and present my heart to His Spirit, to allow the cleansing ‘water’ of His presence expose and remove the dirt that remains in my life.
Through prayer (talking with the Lord), it doesn’t take long for the Voice of His Spirit to reveal things in me that are not clean, that are not good.
THIS is what He wants from me, not just religious observance or ritual or performance.
This is how we are to keep the Temple that really matters (my heart) clean.
Its doing the dishes with Jesus, and its the most important thing that we can do in our spiritual journey.
If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth. But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. [1 John 1:8-9]

Lord, once again You are speaking straight to my heart, and showing me the need for my doing the dishes in my heart with You. Show me my dirt, and cleanse me!

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