my heart, His home

SCRIPTURE: 2 Chronicles 2
This must be a magnificent Temple because our God is greater than all other gods. But who can really build him a worthy home? Not even the highest heavens can contain him! So who am I to consider building a Temple for him, except as a place to burn sacrifices to him? [2 Chronicles 2:5-6]
Solomon knows that the temple he is building cannot really be God’s house, for how can the God of the universe live in a man-made building; he also knows that he is not worthy to build a house for God.
Why do we have this desire to build sacred buildings for God?
In fact they are not for God, but for us, where we can approach God and offer our hearts to Him.
Though God is everywhere, temples are symbolic meeting places, designed to remind us about how great God is and how we depend on Him for mercy and help.
But I also think that temples are symbols of what we are supposed to be; we build them because we know, deep down, we are to be in a personal relationship with God, to “be at home with” Him.

Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And you know the way to where I am going. [John 14:1-4]
Jesus reveals that He is building/preparing a place for us, where we can live with God.
His language is symbolic, yet very real; He is preparing a “home” with plenty of room for everyone, an existence or life where we will “be at home with” God forever.
This “home” is not in another universe, it is in this world but in a different way; it is our lives restored to God, and God in the center of our lives, living in God’s paradise kingdom with God forever.
Jesus replied, “All who love me will do what I say. My Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with each of them. Anyone who doesn’t love me will not obey me. And remember, my words are not my own. What I am telling you is from the Father who sent me. [John 14:23-24]
God is restoring the relationship between us and Him that our hearts long for, the longing that prompts us to build “sacred places” in the first place.
God wants us to be at home with Him, and for Him to be at home with us.
This is the “house”, the life and existence, that God designed us for and is working to restore.
The key to enjoying this experience is not building a sacred temple, or going to sacred places; the key is loving and obeying God, and allowing Him to be at home (welcome) in our hearts and lives.
Every place is a sacred place when God is in our hearts.

Solomon meant well when he built this temple; he really did want to honour God.
But through experience he discovered that a sacred house is not enough to keep the relationship with God strong.
What we need is sacred hearts, not just sacred buildings!

Lord, even as I write this, I sense Your Spirit showing me how my heart is not devoted to being a sacred space for You; help me to have the same drive as Solomon, only to devote my heart to You! My heart, Your home!

One Comment

  1. Solomon was to build the temple for the Lord. But as stated, who can contain God since the highest heavens can not even contain Him? Where does He reside?

    It is interesting how Solomon influenced the neighboring king to serve him. We have great influence on all those around us. Hiram recognized the greatness of the Lord.

    And so where is my Lord and my God? I am in charge of chapel devotions today. The theme – where did you see God today? The temple can not contain Him. He is not contained in the chapel. He is everywhere. And so I will be showing the presence of God in His creation by showing a powerpoint presentation of His creation in nature and in people.

    As Solomon was devoted in building the temple for the Lord His God, so too I must prepare my heart for His home. He is my All in all.

    Love is a flag flying high from the castle of my heart,
    From the castle of my heart, from the castle of my heart.
    Love is a flag flying high from the castle of my heart,
    For the King is in residence there.

    So let it fly in the sky let the whole world know,
    Let the whole world know, let the whole world know.
    So let it fly in the sky let the whole world know,
    That the King is in residence there.

    [2] Faith is a flag flying high…
    [3] Joy is a flag flying high…

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