this little piggy

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 17
It is senseless to pay tuition to educate a fool, since he has no heart for learning. [Proverbs 17:16]
Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don’t throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you. [Matthew 7:6]

As Solomon observes people around him, he notes that some people just refuse to listen.
No matter how hard you try to convince them, no matter how much you invest in their reformation, they will not change.
The issue is the heart, and if a person has no “heart for learning”, they will not learn.
Ask any teacher who is working with students who do not want to learn; despite their best efforts, they cannot overcome the attitude that keeps them closed.

Jesus also recognizes this, not forcing His teaching on anyone.
He shares His message, but does not force people to accept it.
He urges His disciples to share the message in the villages they go to, but to walk away when their audiences are not receptive – wiping the dust from their feet to make a point [Mathew 10:14].
Using the analogy of pigs, Jesus suggests that the message in the ears of those whose hearts are closed is like pearls and pigs – it’s not what they want or value – they want pig food!
Jesus is not calling such people pigs (in the derogatory sense we use the term), but just making a radical contrast between two opposites – pigs and pearls.

What I take from this is that if I want to benefit from the wisdom that I read here (or anywhere else in the bible), I need to open my heart, to rise above my ‘animal’ needs to my deepest needs, for wisdom and truth and morality and love.
The message of Jesus is deep and profound, but for people who only care about pleasure and comfort, His words are pointless and valueless.

Do I appreciate the wisdom of His words?
Do I savour the flavour of these sayings, discerning what is applicable and valuable for me in my day to day life?
Like Solomon, am I paying attention to the people and circumstances around me, observing the value of truth, wisdom, faithfulness, love for God, etc?
Is my heart open or closed?


Lord, I sense that my heart is only partially open, and that I have my own pig-headedness to deal with. Lord, help me to receive Your pearls with eagerness!

One Comment

  1. He who has ears let him hear these words of the preacher. They are gems. For those that hear, children are a crown to the aged and parents are the pride of the children. But are we tuned in? Do we live the Word? Do we walk the Way? Do I listen to the words of the preacher? The words of wisdom? The Word of God?

    As pharoah’s heart was hardened and he would not listen, I too must be careful to have open ears and an open heart so that I live the Word of the Lord.

    Help me to be a discerning Christian Lord – a person who keeps wisdom in view. That is only a possibility if I have an open heart and mind to do His will. JOY!

    All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
    All my days and all my hours;
    All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
    All my days and all my hours.

    Let my hands perform His bidding,
    Let my feet run in His ways;
    Let my eyes see Jesus only,
    Let my lips speak forth His praise.

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