a whole new me!!!

SCRIPTURE: 2 Corinthians 5
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! [2 Corinthians 5:17]
And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, he pours new wine into new wineskins. [Mark 2:22]

How do we account for the radical change in Paul, at one time the #1 enemy of Jesus and His followers?
How do explain his change in perspective about Jesus, his radical zeal and commitment for the mission of Jesus?
He is a new person, God has poured His powerful Spirit and life into him, and he is a radically changed, transformed person.
He is not just an old wineskin with new wine, he is a whole new person.
The only life is gone; a new life has begun!
It is this radical newness that also compels me to be a witness, or an ambassador, for Jesus.
Because of Who He is to me, and what He has done in me, I cannot contain the explosive response that craves an outlet.

This is what I desire, this is what we all need.
Not just a minor tweaking of the old me, but a radically new me!
To be honest, I feel that I received more of a minor tweak rather than a radical transformation.
I was not told that there was a radical transformation, nor was I led to believe that anything dramatic would happen to me.
Yes, I was forgiven, but I would go on being the same old, sinful me until Jesus came back to rescue me.

When I hear Paul, I hear something different.
Either the message of Jesus is about radical life-change, or it is an empty message.
The Spirit that is given to us is one that is ready to revolutionize my life.
Not just a little more loving – a whole lot more loving; not just a little more patient – a whole lot more patient; not just a little more generous – a whole lot more generous!
This is the gospel I want to experience, the radically life-changing message I want to believe in!
And its possible, through the Spirit in me!

Lord, fill me to overflowing with Your Spirit so that I can have this same overflowing zeal, passion and faith as Paul.

One Comment

  1. Happiness is . . . to be home . . . our eternal home. Our destination is to be with Him forever and earth is just our temporary dwelling place. Here we live by faith but we will live by sight. Our heart’s desire is to be with Him forever, but in the meantime we need to do good. Godpleasers – that’s who we are. Because of Jesus we live for Him and not for ourselves. We are His ambassadors – His representatives – bringing a new rule to the land. His GoodWill. His reign. A new beginning to a new world which will last forevermore. We are brought back in the proper relationship with our King through Christ Jesus. Let us let the whole world know that we are His!

    Love is a flag flying high from the castle of my heart,
    From the castle of my heart, from the castle of my heart.
    Love is a flag flying high from the castle of my heart,
    For the King is in residence there.

    So let it fly in the sky let the whole world know,
    Let the whole world know, let the whole world know.
    So let it fly in the sky let the whole world know,
    That the King is in residence there.

    [2] Faith is a flag flying high…
    [3] Joy is a flag flying high…

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