Genuinely grateful!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me.” (Psalm 50:23)
When God gave the Law of Moses to Israel, God did not WANT blood sacrifices.
But blood sacrifices represent the curse of death, the natural result of sin.
These many sacrifices were to show the people the seriousness of sin.
Unfortunately God’s people failed to understand the purpose of the sacrifices.
They were meant to symbolize God’s grace – releasing us from sin and death.
And they were meant to symbolize our gratitude – thanking God for forgiveness.
In this Psalm, Asaph reminds the people how God is not interested in blood.
God wants our hearts, our love, gratitude and devotion – in response to God’s grace.
Those who are genuinely grateful, and show it by their lives, they honour God!
Jesus put an end to the sacrifice, but not to God’s desire for joyful gratitude.
God still wants our hearts, our love, gratitude and devotion.
God isn’t moved by our modern religious actions (going to or giving to the church).
God isn’t impressed by our spiritual practices (reading the bible, volunteering).
Those who are genuinely grateful, and show it by their lives, they honour God!
Lord, make your grace SO REAL to me that everything I say and do naturally flows from a thankful, joyful heart!

One Comment

  1. No leverage on God: “Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” There is nothing that I do that can ‘earn’ me rights to God’s attention. God doesn’t need me to give and to do things for him. Rather whatever I do – I can honour Him – recognize Him as my God and Father – It is a question of desire – of wanting to please God without any expectation of gain. When God blesses me – it’s not because I earned it – but just as I want to honour and thank God – God wants to be my God – He wants to bless me. I revel in His presence – I’m grateful – my thanks generates an even more grateful and thankful heart!

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