That whispering Voice?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Herod said, ‘John, whom I beheaded, has been raised from the dead!’” (Mark 6:14-16)
I have found through experience that a guilty conscience agitates the mind.
You become paranoid that others may know or find out.
Herod is flustered; he thought he had silenced guilt by killing John.
The Spirit of God is speaking to his conscience, setting him on edge.
The conscience is God’s Voice in our heart and mind, calling us back to God.
But do we listen to this Voice in our conscience, and respond appropriately?
Paul speaks about consciences seared with a hot iron (1 Timothy 4:2).
These are people who have cauterized their conscience into insensitivity.
They ignore the warnings of guilt, and they refuse God’s call to return.
No matter how many signs, warnings or blessings God sends, they reject them.
As Jesus followers, we have heard and responded to God’s Voice in our heart.
This does not make us sinless but MORE aware of our guilt and shame.
Our conscience is a gift, and we ignore it to our own peril.
Is the Lord ‘haunting’ you about something, and if so, how are you responding?
Lord, your presence is only scary if I have something to hide. Help me not to silence your Voice in my conscience, but to seek it and respond wisely!


  1. Herod’s conscience plagued him: “Herod feared John and protected him, knowing him to be a righteous and holy man.” Herod knew better, but he was not a leader willing to stick out and do the right thing. Yet he wanted to listen to John – and would have continued the ‘status quo’ – resisting his wife’s desires to have John beheaded. But he caved in to a daughter’s wish (set up by his wife). I too need to listen to God’s voice – the voice of the HS – so that I might follow-through and do the right thing – not be led by a contrary spirit or my own willfulness. Help me HS to discern and to act following a higher order than my own desire! Work in my heart I pray

  2. John the Baptist was not fearful speaking the words of truth. He boldly spoke the truth regarding Herod. John was faithful to the word of the Lord and those who are faithful to Him can not afford to be fearful in the face of man. God is faithful to all those who are committed to Him. I need always to have a clear conscience and in my living for Jesus, He will always be with me in times of joy and also in times of trouble.

    Our God is an awesome God
    He reigns from Heaven above
    With wisdom power and love
    Our God is an awesome God

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