Giving in to the faith!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Jesus told him, ‘Don’t be afraid; just believe.’” (Mark 5:36)
I once spoke on trusting God through difficulty as a guest pastor.
A man, recently widowed, approached me with tears in his eyes.
‘Your words sounds so good, but it doesn’t work for me!’
His wife had died, and no amount of trust brought her back to life.
What is the good of trusting Jesus if it doesn’t work?
Agreed, if Jesus came to immediately heal and raise everyone, he failed.
If that is what we are believing in Jesus for, we will be disappointed.
But Jesus came to defeat the source of sin, death and hell (Hebrews 2:14-15).
Through this miracle – and the cross – Jesus shows us that he can overcome death.
Jesus defeats death, but it will not be destroyed until the end (1 Corinthians 15:26).
As Jesus followers, we hang on to Jesus until the last day when death is destroyed.
Faith in Jesus works, but it works itself out in time, and awaits his final return.
Sickness and death remain for the time being, but their days are numbered.
Through our tears, we refuse to give in to fear… and we choose to give in to faith!
Lord, the enemy wants me to fear, but you are urging me to faith. I choose faith in you. Thank you for showing us that NOTHING, not even death, can keep us from you.


  1. Do i have faith enough to believe that when I die I am just asleep – that when I awake in my death, when the Lord takes me, it will be like when I wake up? Jesus said to the bystanders: “The child is not dead but asleep.” They thought for sure she was dead and scoffed at Jesus rebuke to them. Do I doubt it too? If I do then what use is faith? Jesus has the power to raise me from death – from my sleep in Him! That I believe and need to believe fully – without doubt! Jesus’ miracles of raising the dead and his own resurrection assures me of Jesus capability – and he made a promise that He is the way – and that he is preparing a place for me in His Father’s house (John 14).

  2. Jesus has overcome. He is victorious. But the victory will not be complete until He comes again. That He promised. In the meantime, believe, go forward in His name. He is with us showing us the way. Prayerfully follow Him in all things and He will take care of you. And for those praying for healing, He does answer prayers His way. At times He takes the disease out of us and other times He takes us out of our disease. I need to live this day in His presence and all my tomorrows and one day live in perfect peace with Him. Our time on earth is but a moment but we will live with Him forevermore. WoW!

    1 Come to Jesus,
    Come to Jesus,
    Come to Jesus just now, just now.
    Come to Jesus,
    Come to Jesus just now!

    2 Only trust him, …
    3 He is able, …
    4 He will save you, …

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