When love shapes our laws!

(I’ve placed chs.17,19 and 18,20 together to group similar themes)


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

In ch.17 we have laws for where to sacrifice, and how not to eat blood.
In ch.19 we have laws for a variety of other specific situations.
Many of these laws seem unrelated to us, while others are totally relevant.
“Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life… Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard.” (Leviticus 19:16,27)
In ch.19 we recognize the heart of God’s Law: “love your neighbor as yourself.” (Leviticus 19:18)
“All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:40)
This is the clue for how we need to understand the laws, even the strange ones.
Somehow, someway, they are addressing a breakdown in love – for God or others.
These laws address cultural practices among the nations that were harmful.
We may not know what those practices were, but at that time they were serious.
(Was cutting one’s hair this way related to abuse of slaves, or part of Molek worship)?
Moses, inspired by God, writes the laws that aim towards protecting, not endangering.
This is the enduring aspect of the Moses Law, and how we need to apply them today.
What cultural practices today need laws that protect others from violence and injustice?
Lord, I don’t know how cutting my hair could hurt others, but if at the time it somehow did, then love demands we not do it. Show me what love demands today!


  1. For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.
    What I take to myself from reading all these laws – Sin is serious – we are not to take it for granted. Forgiveness of sin is costly – it was for the Israelites and it is for us as well. Jesus paid the price. Sin placates our special relationship with God – Jesus restored that and now we may live – how should a live – by desiring to follow His ways. HS continue your work in me – and lead to do and say and act the way you would want me to. I know the laws helped your people then – help me to seek the right ways today in the context that I daily live!

  2. Rules for living.
    The people were set apart for they are God’s people.
    The people were set free from captivity bu needed guidelines because they were set apart after being in captivity. This shows God’s love for them.. Do this and live. And living this way shows their love for the Lord and one another.
    Lord teach me Your law so that I too live freely in Your presence serving You always.

    1 How I love Thy law, O Lord!
    Daily joy its truths afford;
    in its constant light I go,
    wise to conquer every foe.

    2 Thy commandments in my heart
    truest wisdom can impart;
    to my eyes Thy precepts show
    wisdom more than sages know.

    3 While my heart Thy word obeys,
    I am kept from evil ways;
    from Thy law, with Thee to guide,
    I have never turned aside.

    4 Sweeter are Thy words to me
    than all other good can be;
    safe I walk, Thy truth my light,
    hating falsehood, loving right.

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