What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“These are the amounts of the materials used for the tabernacle…” (Exodus 38:21)
For a homeless slave people in the desert, this was an impressive building.
It was a portable tent, but it was not cheap; it was meant to inspire confidence.
In ancient times, the impression of the sacred spaced conveyed the impression of the God.
An impressive God required an impressive ‘house’, so temples were designed that way.
But is God impressed by our impressive buildings; does he prefer a costly mansion?
When Jesus’s disciples tried to impress him with the temple, Jesus said:
“Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.” (Matthew 24:2)
When the building becomes too impressive, the people forget the God it points to.
God does not want an impressive building, God wants an impressive heart.
A heart that is devoted, that humbly honours God most of all.
Jesus comes as God’s temple, unimpressive to look at but with an impressive heart.
We are invited to be God’s tabernacle, offering the materials of our life to honour God.
“You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house!” (1 Peter 2:5)
How does my heart and life demonstrate the impressive God with impressive devotion?
Lord, I’ll be honest, my heart does not reflect how impressive you are. Thank you for accepting my less than impressive heart, and offering to strengthen it with me!
I find it very interesting how detailed the records are of the materials used and how they were finely put together to make something beautiful- the cloth, the acacia wood, the gold, silver and bronze – the detail of carvings/design. Each skill, each item – an opportunity for someone to give or their skills to make something beautiful to honour God! It is devotion. Lord help me to be devoted to you – that I may do my work well – to honour you. It is my giving back to you!
A lot of people were involved in following the Lord’s instruction of constructing the tabernacle. It was no small thing. Although a tent it was not a make shift dwelling. It was God’s presence among His people. That reminder I need every day. God with me and I am always in His presence – and that which is to come. The tabernacle was a reminder to His people then of what is to come and I have His Word describing of what life is in His presence.
God Himself is with us;
let us now adore Him
and with awe appear before Him!
God is in His temple;
all within keep silence,
prostrate lie with deepest rev’rence.
Him alone God we own,
Him, our God and Savior;
praise His name forever!