Be still and know… Jesus!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)
If you do not feel this peace, try repeating these words.
Our world may be falling apart, and nations be in crisis, but God is still in charge.
Because God is here, the world will not collapse and will be there for those in need.
To defy God is like defying the sun: accept it or not, you need it.
God is the center of our existence, everything depends on our relationship to God.
God is not an enemy, God is not a cruel Being; God wants to bless and benefit us.
Allow God to be the center of your life… your safety, your strength, your help.
Jesus followers trust that Jesus is exalted to the very end (Matthew 28:18-20).
Through all your storms and crises, cling to Jesus and know that he clings to you.
Don’t let Satan trick you into focusing on the waves, and making you sink.
Look up to the One that walks on the waves, and he will lead you through!
Rest, relax, breathe deep and repeat these words whether you feel it or not.
Be still and know, be still and know, be still and know…
He is with me, he is for me, he will help me!
Lord, you still whisper ‘be still! I am God, I am good, I am exalted in the earth, and you will be exalted with me!’


  1. I can look at my own strength – but I see limitations – I cannot be completely secure – I will always be anxious. I need God within me: “God is within her, she will not fall;” Jerusalem had strong walls – but if the people only put their hope in them they would fail. I cannot put my hope in me – rather “God is my refuge and strength” HS within me – is my surety. Help me Lord to stay true and listen to your leading!! I need you!

  2. God is my Refuge and Strength. He is my Help at all times. He is my Rock, my Security. At all times, in my joys and also in my sorrows when my world, His Creation seems to be falling apart I need to remember that my God is with me Taking care of me. I need to see Him in all things for this is His world, His creation and He will take care it it and me. He is my Refuge, the wind beneath my wings.

    God Himself is with us;
    let us now adore Him
    and with awe appear before Him!
    God is in His temple;
    all within keep silence,
    prostrate lie with deepest rev’rence.
    Him alone God we own,
    Him, our God and Savior;
    praise His name forever!

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