Secret no more!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you.” (Mark 4:11)
So what exactly does Jesus mean by ‘the secret of the kingdom’?
What have they seen or experienced that others had not, that had been given to them?
Paul speaks about the mystery kept hidden for ages, but now disclosed (Colossians 1:26).
He explains this glorious mystery: “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27)
Apparently the hidden secret of the kingdom now disclosed is Jesus himself.
Knowing Jesus, and how he reveals the glorious riches of God’s grace, is the secret.
This is not just knowing about Jesus, but being in relationship with Jesus.
Jesus, by his Spirit in us, helps us understand, to grow in wisdom.
Because of our relationship, we can also come to Jesus alone and ask him (Mark 4:10).
Do you make use of this opportunity, walking and talking with Jesus through life?
Do you hear what is said in scripture, and ask him about things hard to understand?
Do you meet with others who know Jesus, and together consider with Jesus what he says.
We do not need to be in the dark; we can learn and grow in kingdom wisdom and goodness.
Jesus, the key to God’s kingdom, has been given to us… will I unlock this secret?
Lord, you are not a secret anymore. And yet many who know about you, do not know you, or make use of the advantage that comes from knowing you.


  1. “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables.” Who or what opens the ‘eyes of faith’? How does one come to believe – to have their eyes opened – the secret revealed? I believe it to be a work of the HS. For those who hear, I pray that the hearing may be accompanied by the gentle nudging of the HS – that what is done and what is jives to stimulate a kernel of faith. That the spark may glow and start to grow. Without the work of the spirit then its true it will always be words – for many it will be tall tales and fables or even like reading history. Open eyes Lord Jesus – may they see you for who you really are! You are the way – the key – the gate – the only way!

  2. Knowing – Loving – Doing.
    Jesus is the answer. Knowing Him and doing His will is listening to His Word and acting upon that Word. God’s Way. Open heart – receiving and acting upon hear His Word.
    Yet many others hear the Word of the Lord but go their own way. They are close minded and hard hearted. They are blinded by their own way and listening to their own drum doing whatever they feel is important to themselves. Myself first rather than Jesus first.
    May His Spirit continue to lead me and guide me as I long to serve Him in all I do and say.

    I serve a risen Savior
    He’s in the world today.
    I know that He is living,
    Whatever men may say.
    I see His hand of mercy;
    I hear His voice of cheer;
    And just the time I need Him
    He’s always near.
    He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!
    He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way.
    He lives, He lives, salvation to impart!
    You ask me how I know He lives?
    He lives within my heart.

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