Am I eager to share?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Instead he went out and began to talk freely, spreading the news.” (Mark 1:45)
This man disobeyed Jesus, who asked him to stay quiet so that he could get around.
Jesus’s command not to share is not for us; we are called to be witnesses (Acts 1:8)
Can you blame this man for telling people – something huge happened to him.
This is true for us as Jesus-followers… do we also disobey by not witnessing?
As a Jesus follower, I have seen how Jesus has changed my life for the better.
He has defeated Satan, sin, death and hell in my life, and I am free in him.
For my story, he set me free from the bondage of religion and self-righteousness.
He has placed his strengthening, comforting, guiding and empowering Spirit in me.
He is with me always, and he is helping me reclaim my LIFE as God meant it to be.
As a follower of Jesus, I do not want people to join my religion, or my church.
I point to Jesus, to let the world know what he has done for me!
I want them to know Jesus, and the power of the good news in their lives.
I want people to “come to Him from everywhere” (v.45) so they can find LIFE too!
Can people sense how big my experience of Jesus is by my eagerness to share it?
Lord, you are not commanding me to be silent. You have called me to be your witness. May my enthusiasm be like this man’s, as I obey your command to tell others!


  1. . “Jesus was indignant.[b] He reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Was Jesus indignant because the man doubted if Jesus was willing to heal him or was Jesus indignant because Jesus knew if he helped this man, it would make things more difficult for him to freely minister – he had to go to more isolated places. Yet Jesus was willing – He took the risk. Am I willing to take the risk to bring the Gospel to places and situations where it may cost me – harm, acceptance by others in this world? I know I can be very shy and cagey – I know I need the prodding of the HS – so that when I open my mouth – that I may speak what is helpful and causes others to think about Jesus’ – so that they too may be prodded by the HS to discover saving grace!

  2. The healed man needed to go and show himself to the priest so that he could re-enter the community. He was no longer an exile. However he started jumping for joy since he was made clean. Jesus however, had to leave the community because of the crowds who desired to see more and wanted Him to heal more. And as a result His ministry was impeded. He was no longer free to minister because of the crowds. The leper proclaimed the good news and so must I. I too need to share that God has made me whole.

    The world had pulled me down,
    Until it left me with only shame.
    But he came and he made me whole,
    When I prayed and said his name.

    When I called his name, he heard me,
    He came to me and he brought me joy.
    I had felt him touch my soul,
    When he was near he let me know,
    When I prayed he made me whole.

    Oh since I’ve found my blessed Lord,
    And he’s forgiven and saved my soul.
    Oh I say his praise wherever I may go,
    I had felt his love he made me whole.

    Oh he made me whole, he made me whole,
    And it was him, that saved my soul,
    When he was near he let me know.

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