Graciously leaning towards you!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Suddenly Jesus met them. ‘Greetings,’ he said.” (Matthew 28:9)
The angel told the women that Jesus was going ahead to Galilee where they would see him.
The women are still near the tomb in Jerusalem, and they head back to the city.
Suddenly Jesus meets them and greets them… hadn’t he already left?
The word for ‘greeting’ is a combination word: ‘lean towards’ and ‘grace’.
To ‘lean towards’ is the opposite of turning away from; it is like an embrace.
Jesus graciously directs his journey to include encouraging and embracing these women.
In a time and culture when women were not graciously leaned toward, Jesus does.
I seen in this the heart of our resurrected Jesus for all people.
It is because he graciously leaned toward us that he suffered and died.
His resurrection is a vindication of God’s gracious love, and our hope of restoration.
Jesus still ‘suddenly’ meets people (think of Paul) and graciously embraces them.
One of my children had an experience of being graciously embraced in a moment of crisis.
I think Jesus appears to all people in one way or another, to graciously embrace them.
When or how has Jesus graciously embraced you, and did you embrace him in return?
Lord, I am sure you have greeted me in grace many times without my realizing it. Show up to me today somehow, so that I may ‘clasp your feet and worship you!’


  1. I can only imagine the tremendous emotions that these women are going through – the somber trek to the tomb with spices, the earthquake, the open tomb, the angel giving them instructions and then meeting Jesus himself and clasping his feet! It is emotionally unbelievable! I bet they ran and I’m sure they couldn’t get out the news quickly enough. I’m sure it was an excited melee when they told the disciples! It is exciting – it is unbelievable – but it’s true. Jesus is alive! –

  2. It was the women who went to the tomb.
    The angel spoke to the women.
    Jesus appeared to the women first.
    The women were with Jesus throughout His ministry.
    As we serve the Lord from day to day, Jesus is also with you and me. But we need the eyes to see Him. He told the women that His brothers would see Him. We walk with Him every day but need open eyes to see Him as we live for Him. He is with us. Emmanuel.

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Open the eyes of my heart
    I want to see You
    I want to see You

    To see You high and lifted up
    Shinin’ in the light of Your glory
    Pour out Your power and love
    As we sing holy, holy, holy

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Open the eyes of my heart
    I want to see You
    I want to see You

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