What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“The guards were so afraid that they shook and became like dead men.” (Matthew 28:4)
Frightening angels and powerful earthquakes… what is going on?
The whole creation – spiritual and physical reality – is convulsing in wonder.
At this moment everything changes; Jesus overcomes the curse and restores God’s world.
The angels, and the creation, are shaking with excitement.
Even the soldiers are caught up in the excitement, though for them it is fear.
They do not know what is happening, but they are caught up in it anyway.
As are we, and all people… we are a part of this remarkable story.
This is not only the dawn of a new day, but a new reality.
Death has been beaten, LIFE has been restored, and we can share in it!
Life, hope, joy, blessing, peace, justice, health, wholeness – new creation!
Why are we so unaffected, so lifeless, so gloomy and despondent.
In this moment creation is groaning with anticipation.
In this moment the angels are glowing with excitement.
Is anyone else excited?
Lord, everything changes here. The curse of sin is broken, and Life is restored. May your resurrection make me excited too!
It was a dramatic event: death has been conquered! Jesus – Up from the grave He Arose – with a mighty triumph o’er his foes! Let the might rattle us and shake us to remind us that God is involved – that Jesus is no mere human being but the Saviour – things are now forever changed! Sometimes we may feel defeated – then we need to be shaken from that. Interesting – that the scripture says that the Guards became like dead men – for them not only the shaking but the super bright appearance of the angel! Sometimes we need to be shocked and reminded that we through Christ are victors!
The earthquake would be enough to frighten the guards, but seeing the angels on top of that! No wonder they were like dead men – wonders of all wonders. The power of God. The majesty of God once again. A new beginning for all mankind. I too need to stand in awe. We are not told how the earthquake affected the women but they too would be awe struck. The whole creation is being renewed. He is still at work renewing all including His people. The Lord God is in charge all the time, even in our darkest hour. He is life giving! This world belongs to God. Worship Him. Serve Him. And go forward in His name.
Majesty, worship his majesty;
Unto Jesus be all glory, honor, and praise.
Majesty, kingdom authority,
Flow from his throne unto his own, his anthem raise.
So exalt, lift up on high the name of Jesus.
Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus, the King.
Majesty, worship his majesty,
Jesus who died, now glorified, King of all kings.
So exalt, lift up on high the name of Jesus.
Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus, the King.
Majesty, worship his majesty,
Jesus who died, now glorified, King of all kings.
Jesus who died, now glorified, King of all kings