Compassionate accommodation!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“These are the laws you are to set before them…” (Exodus 21:1)
The way this is written, God is behind these laws.
And yet within these laws are non-creational cultural practices… that are not good.
How can God be behind ‘not good’ laws, laws that harm some lesser valued people?
How can God permit foreigners and females to be treated as property?
“Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.” (Matthew 19:8)
Jesus distinguishes between what Moses permitted, and God’s will from the beginning.
In other words, the Moses Law does NOT perfectly reveal God’s Creation Law.
It is shaped and limited by the cultural and moral context of those times.
Yet through these limited laws, we see an indication of God’s heart for victims.
“Do not take advantage of the widow or the fatherless.” (Exodus 22:22)
God graciously accommodates our non-creational customs and beliefs.
But the bottom line remains: ‘do not take advantage… for I am compassionate!’ (22:22,27)
God is compassionate with us and meets us where we are… are we as compassionate?
Lord, when I think of how much you put up with in me, and how you accommodate my less than creational ways, how dare I NOT be compassionate and accommodating for others?


  1. Reading all these ordinances that try to cover or accommodate different situations for people living then -helps me see that God stands for Justice and fairness. God is also compassionate. Jesus practiced the same accommodation and flexibility all under the principle of lovie – being fair to neighbour but remaining just. He did not wipe the law off the table. A lot of these laws don’t apply to us today but then there are situations were we struggle how to apply loving and yet justice to people and circumstances today. Loving homo sexual and trans gender people and people struggling with addictions – helping them find Jesus and encouraging them to find hope in Jesus and applying the Jesus way to their living. Help me to be patient, trusting and respectful – not judgmental!

  2. Laws for life for His people then.
    His Word is the law of life also today.
    The bottom line is that we are His people and we/I need to live for Him every day. His will be done and not my own. In all things I need to see through the eyes of Jesus and not my way. I need to be driven by the summary of the law – Love God; love mankind. My words and deeds must reflect that. I need to be an instrument of His peace. Jesus first. Others second. I am last. And that spells JOY which is only possible when God is my strength.

    The Lord Is My Strength And My Song,
    He Has Become My Salvation,
    Under The Shadow Of His Wings I Belong,
    I Will Give Thanks To The Lord.

    In My Trouble I Cried To The Lord,
    He Say My Distress And He Saved Me,
    I Will Sing Praises To You, O My God,
    For You Are My Song.

    The Lord Is My Sword And My Shield,
    He Saw My Distress And He Saved Me,
    I Will Sing Praises To You, O My God,
    For You Are My Song.

    In My Trouble I Cried To The Lord,
    He Say My Distress And He Saved Me,
    I Will Sing Praises To You, O My God,
    For You Are My Song.

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