What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“Those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (Matthew 23:12)
The Latin root of the word humble, humus, means the ground or the earth.
It reminds us where we all come from, our common identity as God-breathed dirt.
But humility is not just a human quality, it is a reflection of what God is.
Although God is never called humble, Jesus shows us that this is what God is like.
Humility is a true assessment of our own value, and the value of others.
Praise is simply saying what is true, whether about God or people or ourselves.
God is God, and humans are God’s children, and we are all brothers and sisters.
Our mistake is that we elevate some over others – usually ourselves.
Like the religious leaders, we act as if we are above others, which is not true.
To humble ourself is to see ourselves as we are, and others as they are, and God as God.
This is actually how we honour others, by treating them as their identity deserves.
God honours us as his children by serving us, suffering and dying for us, saving us.
We honour God and others by serving them; we lift ourselves by lifting God and others!
We all stand equal before Jesus, and serve God best when we serve each other as equals.
Lord, I am not dirt, I am God’s precious child. You have served me by lifting me up, and you are asking me to do the same for others. Make me great like you, a God-like servant!
Empty and flowing words – but words have no meaning if there is no action. Lord help me to serve and through my serving help me speak. Not showy but genuine heart driven conviction as one who walks the talk – is willing to live out the words that I speak. I know there is some hypocrisy inside me at times – Lord strike it out – humble me and help me walk as a servant who listens to the Master – the Father. Forgive my errant ways and keep me focused on the truth!
Jesus came to serve as show by washing the disciples feet. I too need to be a servant true. The religious leaders then mastered themselves over the people. Their words and deeds were not in sync. All I do needs to be done in His name, pleasing my Saviour. All for Jesus and not myself.
Make me a servant
Humble and meek
Lord let me lift up
Those who are weak
And may the prayer
Of my heart always be
Make me a servant
Make me a servant
Make me a servant today