giving Jesus my blanket

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 14
He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honours God. [Proverbs 14:31] Jesus sees a direct relational link between God and people. How we treat people is how we treat God. Jesus, Who is God with us, makes it clear that whatever we do (or don’t do) for others, is what we do (or don’t do) for Him, and for God. Richard Wurmbrand, who spent many years in prison under communism, asked the question – if the cold prisoner next to you was Jesus, would you give Him your only blanket? Do we realize that the person next to us is – by extension – Jesus? Does the tyrant who oppresses his people realize he is oppressing Jesus? The person who slanders their neighbour, is slandering Jesus? The parent who abuses their child is abusing Jesus? I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. [Matthew 25:40]

James reminds us that our bad words about others (even if we worship God), are a slur against their Maker: With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness. [James 3:9] John reminds us that the people around us are also God’s children, therefore they ought to love them too: Everyone who loves the father loves his child as well. [1 John 5:1]

Most of the proverbs have something to do with how we relate to God and people – the two most important commands. They are related. You cannot love God without love people. You cannot love people without loving God. In this way, everyone is our neighbour, our brother or sister in Christ.

I am not inclined to beat or rob or abuse people physically. But my words can have just as devastating an effect. So the questions for today are: Will I bad mouth Jesus today? Will I criticize Jesus today? Will I make ignorant judgments about Jesus today? Will I honour, or show contempt, for the Maker today? Or will I give Him my blanket?

Lord, may I see You today in every person I see. May I treat You with honour, respect and love!


  1. Thanks H-Tony, Trust and Obey was one of my grandfathers favorite hymns. I can’t hear it without thinking of him. Although I usually only saw him once a year at Christmas for a week, I have a feeling he might be surprised to know how much of “who he was” has stayed with me all these years. Interesting isn’t it – his love of Jesus was always central in his life and it made an impact. Something for me/all of us to remember.

  2. i always aim to care about people, I want them to see Jesus in me
    but this paragraph
    “I am not inclined to beat or rob or abuse people physically. But my words can have just as devastating an effect. So the questions for today are: Will I bad mouth Jesus today? Will I criticize Jesus today? Will I make ignorant judgments about Jesus today? Will I honour, or show contempt, for the Maker today? Or will I give Him my blanket?”
    makes me think about that in a new way… thanks

  3. This is the Way. Walk in it. We are all on a journey – pilgrims progress. Our journey has a goal – to live with Him forever or as the book states – the celestial city. In order to get there, I need to walk by the rules. If I do not I will not arrive at my destination. Focusing on my destination also brings joy and peace even during the times of hardship. Christ Jesus living within me. My constant Companion. My Fortress and Tower of strength.

    When I live for Jesus, I will also be a living light to all those around me. What a Friend I have in Jesus Who guides me along the Way.

    Lord help me this day to LightShine.

    When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
    What a glory He sheds on our way!
    While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
    And with all who will trust and obey.

    Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
    To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

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