PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 20:24-28
What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“Not so with you.” (Matthew 20:26)
Ever since the fall, this world has operated like a game of ‘king of the hill’.
In ‘King of the hill’, the object is to get – and stay – on top of the hill.
You use power and strength to get there, and power and strength to stay there.
The weak, small, victims and strugglers are at the bottom, or fighting to reach the top.
The ones on the top use whatever schemes, techniques or force to maintain their position.
This is how it works in the world, but it is not how God’s kingdom works.
Life in God’s kingdom is at the bottom, where the weak, victims and strugglers are.
There was a cross, not a crown, for Jesus on the hill, and he was cast from it to the bottom.
The goal in God’s kingdom is to die to the top, and go to the bottom, where the weak are.
This is what makes Jesus king, his refusal to play the worldly ‘king of the hill’.
This is what makes us ‘great’ too, carrying the cross to the bottom, to serve and bless.
We do not change the world by power moves (petitions, protests, boycotts, armies, money).
We do not show Jesus through strength, numbers or politics, but by humility and grace.
Imagine how the world would improve if Jesus’s followers joined him at the bottom of the hill.
Lord, you are not asking me to reach for the top, but for the bottom, to join you in humbly and graciously blessing the weak, small, victims and strugglers.
I’m not eager to be first – its not what I necessarily want: “whoever wants to be first must be your slave” – but what i do want is to be with Jesus and follow his example – I want to serve because it not only gives me joy to see others blessed by my serving but also that it is what Jesus did – I have the privilege of following in his footsteps. I want to serve – I don’t need to be first – in fact, being first makes me anxious – will I do ok? Only through Jesus do I dare.
This reading reminds me of the servant song.
As a teenager I remember someone who ‘used’ people for his own advantage. He became their friend to achieve his own goal. When he had reached that goal, they were no longer his friend. King of his castle – he became in charge. As Christ came to serve so must I. Scripture teaches that I must live at peace with all as far as it depends upon me. I have to be a peacemaker. All for Jesus.
Make Me A Servant,
Humble And Meek;
Lord, Let Me Lift Up
Those Who Are Weak.
And May The Prayer
Of My Heart Always Be:
Make Me A Servant,
Make Me A Servant Today.
Make Me A Servant,
Humble And Meek;
Lord, Let Me Lift Up
Those Who Are Weak.
And May The Prayer
Of My Heart Always Be:
Make Me A Servant,
Make Me A Servant Today.