ensnared or free?

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 5
The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast. [Proverbs 5:22] Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. [John 8:34] If you’ve ever seen someone caught in a destructive behaviour, one that they cannot or do not let go of, even if it is making them miserable, you have seen how sin enslaves. We see it better in others than we do in ourselves. We may shake our heads at gamblers who wear diapers to stay on their slot machines without interruption; or people who use the internet to view a sick variety of pornographic images; or the shopper who continues to buy more and more ‘things’, never satisfied with the latest purchase; or smokers standing out in the freezing cold for that refreshing puff. But what is the behaviour that we cannot stop; where are we a slave to something that has taken control of our lives.

Solomon describes well the life wasted by sexual temptation. The pull is so strong, it ruins so many lives. Solomon describes the person at the end of their life looking back and finally realizing how foolish they were, how they should have listened to others, and disciplined themselves. At the end of your life you will groan, when your flesh and body are spent. [Proverbs 5:11]

Sexual sin may not be your downfall. But what is? What behaviour or attitude do you struggle to stop – being critical, wasting money, overeating, buying the latest gadgets, hours in front of the television, telling half-truths? Whatever it is, the idea of being enslaved, ensnared, held fast is real. Satan doesn’t care how he brings us down. His tackle box is huge, with all kinds of bait. What works for one fish, doesn’t work for another. He is OK with that, so long as he knows what bait works for you.

The good news is that Jesus has defeated Satan, and we are free, in principle. There is now a way out. We must choose that way, and then take steps each day to live it. We are forgiven, declared free, and assured of ultimate victory. But every day the challenge continues. Satan seeks to bring us down again. We must resist the tempters voice, no matter how good it sounds. A close, personal relationship with Jesus, strengthened by His Spirit in us, is the key. With His help, we can be free. But we must choose it daily!

It won’t come without a struggle. We need accountability, determination, perseverance (think of A.A.). But though the process may be three steps forward, two steps back, we are assured of victory, if we press on!

Lord, help me to choose wisdom and discipline now, so that I will not have to endure regret tomorrow.


  1. Father, I give You thanks and praise for a marriage built upon You. I thank You that my husband is a godly man, full of integrity and committed to being all that You created him to be.

    LORD, for me right now, the battle is to stay focused on the positive. I am so discouraged with the lack of passion and excitement in our church today. Maybe I am being selfish but I want more than just ‘mediocracy’. Are we dying spiritually? God, please, keep me from judging.

    Someone prayed yesterday that she was so greatly burdened for the unsaved. Father, I hear that prayer and yes of course my heart breaks for the unsaved but You have also placed on my heart to pray for believers that have become lethargic, passive, indifferent, living unhealthy lifestyles. What am I to do with this ache in my heart? Help me Father…..

  2. Also … thanks be to God for your life Tony and how He is with you and the others in Haiti. So good to hear your “voice” once again on Norm’s blog! We are with you in love, support and prayer for the work you are doing.

    Abundant grace, strength and provision for you and Mary and your fellow workers

    We love you guys!

  3. If ever there was eternal truth, it is this … steadfastness in the Lord brings joy in the morning!

    The deceitfulness of this world to act in foolish ways is so easy to be lured into! I am eternally grateful for a loving and faithful husband, loving and faithful friends and the eternally loving and faithful Spirit of God that lives within me because of Jesus Christ! Where would I be without God’s Spirit alive in me? I claim without shame my dependency upon the Spirit of God in my life. I am not alone in this world – I am loved and directed by God Himself through His Spirit because of the work of Jesus Christ.

    Thanks be to God – without Him I would definately be lost in my own foolishness!

  4. Choose this day whom you will serve – but as for me and my household, we wil serve the living God.

    For a man’s ways are in full view of the LORD,and He examines all his paths is stated in today’s passage. The song says come into His presence singing Alleluia – – – but I am always in His presence. He has given me the way to go and He continues to say, this is the way, walk in it! I just need to trust and obey. I must choose LIFE. I must continue to prayerfully walk with my God Whom I also serve this day in every way. I am not my own, but I am His. He bought me for a price. I must also 2day put Him first.

    Lead me and guide me Lord so that those around me can see that I am living for Jesus. I am free to serve You!

    Teach me, O Lord, Thy way of truth,
    And from it I will not depart;
    That I may steadfastly obey,
    Give me an understanding heart.

    In Thy commandments make me walk,
    For in the law my joy shall be;
    Give me a heart that loves Thy will,
    From discontent and envy free.

    Turn Thou my eyes from vanity,
    And cause me in Thy ways to tread;
    O let Thy servant prove Thy Word,
    And thus to godly fear be led.

    Turn Thou away reproach and fear,
    Thy righteous judgments I confess;
    To know Thy precepts I desire,
    Revive me in Thy righteousness.

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