through the storm

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 4
I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. [Luke 6:47-48] Jesus is elevating His teaching to the level of God’s wisdom. The way He describes His words – and the blessing of those who listen to and do what He says – matches the way that Solomon speaks of wisdom. Listen, my son, accept what I say, and the years of your life will be many. [Proverbs 4:10]

Jesus is the wisdom of God in the flesh. If we live as He lived, love as He loved, we too will overcome the curse of sin, death and hell. We will still suffer and die (the storms of life), but neither suffering nor death will overcome us. Like Jesus, we will experience resurrection victory!

But this is based on the assumption that we aim for, strive for, the God-centered, wisdom-shaped life. Yes, Jesus has opened the way to life through death – by His death and resurrection for us. But we must choose to follow Him, to live graciously, generously, patiently, humbly. To help us, He has given us the Spirit, who helps us to produce this kind of life (good fruit).

We constantly struggle with the tension between free grace and the call of discipleship. We are loved, accepted, forgiven – freely, not because we deserve it. But like the first disciples, we must receive it, stand firm in it, work it out with energy and effort. It will mean sacrifice, struggle, perseverance. As far as I can tell, anyone who claims that following Jesus is easy is not truly following Jesus. It goes against the grain, it goes opposite to what we naturally desire. But it is worth it. It’s a treasure worth selling everything for to get. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. [Proverbs 4:7].

Some words that are speaking to me today are:
— Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. [Proverbs 4:23]
— Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. [Proverbs 4:25]
— Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil. [Proverbs 4:27]

Lord, the storms are here, and I am being tossed about. Help me to cling to You, and to Your words.

One Comment

  1. No greater joy does a father have than to see his children walk in the way of the Lord. That is my prayer for my children. The reading of today tells me the same. Sons/daughters, listen to the instruction of your father.

    As children of the King, I too must listen to the Father and walk in the Way He directs me. Walking in His SonShine in Haiti. Abba, Father, direct my steps of this day so that I serve You in all ways.. Give me the ears so that I do hear what You are saying. Guard and guide me by Your Spirit so that may tune in to hear Your voice each day saying – This is the Way. Walk in it.

    As we continue to minister to those in need, send doctors to the areas to serve the injured, redirect food where there is a lack, may we did in the power of Your name, sharing the love of God and so that all may see, we are Christians by our love.

    Give us wisdom Lord to do what You want us to do. Help us to be your hands and feet. Amen.

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