PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 16:24-28
What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“My disciples must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24)
Jesus clearly and plainly states what it takes to be his student (disciple, trainee).
To deny myself means to put my needs and wants to the side for God and others.
It does not mean to devalue or ignore myself, but to devote myself to God and others.
To take up my cross is to take on the suffering that comes from serving God and others.
It does not mean to choose suffering, but to choose love and accept whatever that brings.
Parents choose to take up their cross for their children; they choose love, not suffering.
But at times that love will lead to suffering and self-denial… for loves sake.
To follow Jesus is both to watch Jesus for how he did it, and to join him in it.
The Jesus Way is how love for God and others worked for him, how he modelled it.
Love for God and others is the Law of God; not just as rules but as the design of creation.
In our world of self-love, love for God and others goes against the grain and is hard.
We think we lose the world when we commit to love like Jesus, but we actually gain it.
Jesus is restoring the kingdom of God – this world operating within God’s Law of Love.
Follow Jesus in the way of love; it may seem like sacrifice now, but you will gain the world!
Lord, help me to translate these thoughts into action. There’s still too much self-love within me, I need your help to love like you.
“he will reward each person according to what they have done.” Following Jesus that is what matters – and following him means that he will vouch for me – that I see as the reward. I don’t earn ‘brownie’ points to get to heaven – nor do I think about differing status positions in the coming Kingdom. Rather, let me be all that I am created to delight in service to Jesus. So I thank him for the opportunities he gives me today to serve. Yet so often I serve myself first – that I have to unlearn. I can learn to serve myself best when I’m serving him – that is the best. That’s where I want to be – even when I am on ‘vacation’.
There is but one command – Love God. Love others.
To be a follower of God is to put love into practice in all things. WWJD.
The JOY principal comes into practice putting that one command into action – Jesus first. Others second. Yourself last. It is the JOY of the Lord God Who gives me the strength to live for Him. I need to dress myself with His armour each day anew so that I am able to live for Jesus producing the fruit of the Spirit. May His Spirit continue to lead and guide me along His Way.
1 I am weak, and I need Thy strength and power
To help me over my weakest hour;
Let me through the darkness Thy face to see,
Lead me, O Lord, lead me.
Lead me, guide me along the way;
For if You lead me, I cannot stray;
Lord, let me walk each day with Thee.
Lead me, O Lord, lead me.