encouragement boost!

SCRIPTURE: 1 Kings 17
I see several glimpses of Jesus in this passage. As Elijah was sent into the wild, and cared for, with the ravens, so Jesus was cared for in the wild: At once the Spirit sent him out into the desert, and he was in the desert forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and angels attended him. [Mark 1:12-13] As Elijah multiplies the widows food to feed the hungry, Jesus does so with the 5000. As Elijah raises this dead son, Jesus does so on a number of occasions: He took the child’s father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was. He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” (which means, “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). Immediately the girl stood up and walked around (she was twelve years old). At this they were completely astonished. [Mark 5:40-42]

The message I get from this is that the Lord will lead, care for, and work through His servants, giving them everything they need to fulfill the mission that He sends them on. Not always what we want, or when we want it, but always what we need! It reminds me of Jesus challenge to the disciples not to take any money with them, to depend on God’s provision on their mission. Or His encouragement not to worry what to say, because the Spirit will speak through them. And His encouragement that God would work miracles through them, to fulfill their mission.

Elijah is a reminder to me today that the Lord will give me what I need to fulfill His mission for me. How He does that will be different for each person. Maybe ravens, maybe angels, maybe anonymous donors, maybe miraculous healings, maybe multiplied resources. I don’t think we should presume to tell God how He should answer our prayers; rather, we make ourselves available, we do what we know He wants us to do, then we wait and see how He will work through our efforts.

I have never raised anyone from the dead. I have seen the multiplication miracle, where God increases finances to meet the need. I have seen sick people made well, those whom I prayed for. I have experienced hard hearts changed, including mine. God has certainly spoken through me, also at times when my own words were weak or pathetic in my own estimation. Yet His Spirit worked through me. This passage encourages me. The battle is hard, the mission is challenging. But with God on our side, we can be confident that He will provide everything we need to succeed for Him!

Lord, thank You for this encouragement boost. I need it today!

One Comment

  1. Father, give me listening ears; I long to be obedient to You. Father, sometimes I think we miss so many opportunities because we do not take the time to be still before You. LORD, You have a mission for each and every one of us, but if we do not stop to listen to You, how can we go out and do for You?

    Father, forgive me when ‘practicality’ gets in the way of missional/faith living. How often do I wait for the big picture, the provisions to be provided instead of stepping out in faith and trusting You to provide all that is needed.

    LORD, help me today to be still and listen for Your gentle whisper……LORD, help me today to just step out in faith….

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