
SCRIPTURE: 1 Kings 14
Judah did evil in the eyes of the LORD. By the sins they committed they stirred up his jealous anger more than their fathers had done. [1 Kings 14:22] Today’s reading gives a picture of things going from bad to worse, and God’s judgment against the people. I think it is helpful to remember that God is not being cruel here, He is dealing with a corrupt, perverse, immoral nation. When we are aware of the cultural context, of the kinds of things the neighbouring nations were doing (including child sacrifice and sexual violence and perversion), and what the people of Israel were joining in, then we get a better sense of why God acts as He does. And God was calling and warning His people again and again, but they were not willing.

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing. [Matthew 23:37] Jesus reveals here as well that the heart behind God’s appeals and warnings was His love, His desire to gather and protect them. But they were not willing.

This raises the question for us, are there practices or behaviours that we are committed to, that the Lord is calling us from, appealing us to repent and change for our own good… but we are not willing? Our sins may not be the same as in today’s reading, but they do get in the way of our love relationship with God. He is jealous for us, He loves us. The jealousy mentioned here is a passionate, zealous love, one that we would expect a marriage partner to have for their spouse. And imagine how it is aroused when their spouse is out with someone else.

What are the sins that I am not willing to let go of? What are the attitudes or behaviours that I am clinging to, and thereby not clinging to God? Where is He calling me, and I am not willing?

Lord, I sense Your love, and Your concern for my and my sin. Help me to be willing, help me to allow myself to be gathered under Your wings.


  1. LORD, how some things never change! We have so much in Christ yet we chase, hunger and lust over things today that have no value at all. Help us LORD to truly know and understand the value of having a life in Christ.

    Search me Oh LORD and show me all in my life that I need to surrender to You. Change my heart Oh God, make it ever true. Change my heart Oh God, may I be like You. Nothing compares to knowing You. I want to know You more; I want to love You more; I want to serve You more. Help me LORD.

  2. Ahijah became ill and the king wanted to know what would happen to his sone. He did not pray but disguised his wife to ask of the prophet. The king was so far from the truth that he did know he was in the wrong or did he? He knew where he could find the truth. As the word tells us, he was more eveil than all those who lived before him And as the king goes, so go the people.

    God speaks to His people in mysteriuos ways. He spoke to Jeroboam via the prophet and the happenings in his life. How does God speak to me? When do I speak to God. In times of need? When all is well? Through world events? Through family happenings via inlaws and outlaws? How do I see God’s daily leading in my life?

    As Jeroboam was steeped in sin, and Rehoboam was no better, how am I living for Jesus this day? It is easy to see the sins of the kings and/or the faults around me. What errors of my ways keep me from whole-hearted service to my King?

    Whole-hearted thanksgiving to Thee I will bring
    In praise of Thy marvelous deeds I will sing;
    In Thee I will joy and exultingly cry,
    Thy Name I will praise, O Jehovah, Most High.

    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear His voice!
    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice!
    O come to Jehovah, declare ye His fame,
    And give Him all honor, for just is His Name.

    My enemies turn and are scattered in fear,
    They stumble and perish because Thou art near;
    For Thou hast defended my right and my cause,
    Thou sittest in judgment, upholding Thy laws.


    Rebuked are the nations, the wicked destroyed;
    Their memory perished, their dwelling place void;
    Enthroned and eternal, Jehovah shall reign,
    The peoples to judge and the right to maintain.


    Thou, Lord, art a Refuge for all the oppressed,
    All trust Thee who know Thee, and trusting are blest;
    For never, O Lord, did Thy mercy forsake
    The soul that has sought of Thy grace to partake.


    Give praise to Jehovah, the mighty deeds tell
    Of Him Who has chosen in Zion to dwell,
    Of Him to Whom justice and vengeance belong,
    Who visits the lowly and overthrows wrong.

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