a theological headache

I am feeling sick. Its all in my head, really. A persistent headache since I woke up this morning. I’ve slept most of the day. So much for my new year’s resolution to enjoy each day to the fullest. How does one enjoy a headache? How does a Jesus-follower experience a headache differently?

  • Is it a cross to bear, humbly, quietly, without grumbling or complaining?
  • Is it a test from the devil, to try to get me to look away from the Lord?
  • Is it an opportunity for me to stretch my faith muscles, to pray in faith and receive miraculous healing?
  • Is it an opportunity for me to call the elders, have them pray over me with anointing oil, and so be healed?
  • Is it the wages of sin – no, not a hangover – for not sleeping well over the last few nights, and staying up too late last night?
  • Is it an opportunity to identify with those who suffer, those who also deal with headaches or tumors or sleeplessness?
  • Is it an opportunity to do some deep theological reflection on how a Jesus-follower experiences a headache differently?
  • Or is it just a stupid headache…

Whatever it is, its now become an opportunity for people to think that there really is something wrong in my head.
I’m going back to bed…

One Comment

  1. I think it is #1, simply a cross to bear.Hope you feel better today.
    By the way, the cartoon at the top, is a good likeness of your great uncle Andries, especially the nose. He also often wore an alpino(hat)

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