the gift that keeps giving

SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 2
He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. [Ephesians 2:17] Lord, I hear Paul reminding us of what we were before You came (slaves to sin), and how Your coming – God’s great gift to us – has removed all the barriers between us and God and between all people. Your coming, a totally undeserved blessing, has resulted in glory for God and peace for us. Isn’t this what the angels sang too, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests. [Luke 2:14] You are the peacemaker, the barrier-breaker!

Your birth (which we celebrate today) broke down the divisions: born to a poor working family, visited by smelly shepherds and foreign astrologers. You came for all people, not just the ‘good’ ones. In fact, no one can boast that they are better than others, for Your gift to us is totally because of God’s goodness, not ours. We don’t deserve Your sacrifice, forgiveness and acceptance! This is why Paul keeps stressing, ‘remember what you were, and what the Lord has done for you!’

Lord, You saved me for a purpose. Not only to enjoy Your love, but to share it. You created and saved me to demonstrate Your goodness in how I treat others. Through ‘good works’, I am to break down the barriers as well, to be a peace-maker. I am not just called to like people that like me, or that I like; I am called to love all people, especially the ones that I don’t like, or that don’t like me. Your treatment of me is that standard by which I must now live. This is the ‘good work’ You created and saved me for.

Lord, I am so blessed. I am not talking about material blessings (actually, these things often make me poor spiritually, more curse than blessing); I am talking about spiritual blessing. Through You I have hope, assurance of forgiveness, a sense of belonging, a secure future, a sense of purpose, a spiritual significance. Through You I am a somebody, and with Your help I can make a huge difference. Through Your Spirit working in/through me, I can accomplish great things for good, for peace, for healing.

Help me to see that my highest calling is to advance the mercy and peace that You came to establish. Help me to see the sinful barriers that separate us, and to join with You in smashing them, treating all people as equal before You, equally in need of Your love and mercy and peace.

Lord, thank You for the gift You are. May my life be a gift to others, like You are to me!

One Comment

  1. Alive. Alive! Alive forevermore!

    The reading of today reminded me of a few thoughts.

    Today is Christmas Day. We remember the birth of Jesus Christ and it is in Him we are made alive. It is by grace I am saved. It is a free gift of God. I am reminded of the greatest gift the world has ever received – the gift once and for all – so that I am alive and may also give gifts – of talents, time and treasures as I serve Him.

    Today there is peace. Tomorrow the wars resume. Oh that the world would have the peace of Christ which passes all understanding. Thank You Lord that I have that peace in my heart. Thank You for Your Spirit is here giving that peace as I live for You each day. Thank You for the LIFE n Christ Jesus.

    Alive, alive, alive forevermore
    Jesus is alive, alive forevermore
    Alive, alive, alive forevermore
    Jesus is alive

    Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah
    Jesus is alive forevermore
    Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah
    He is alive for evermore

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