leadership lessons

SCRIPTURE: 2 Samuel 23
The God of Israel spoke, the Rock of Israel said to me: ‘When one rules over men in righteousness, when he rules in the fear of God, he is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth.’ [2 Samuel 23:3-4] Lord, these words ring true to me: a good leader is a blessing to those that are under them. Good leaders, that is, those whose hearts and lives are surrendered to and serving You and Your kingdom purpose, spread the benefit of their good leadership to those that they lead. The rest of this chapter shows how strong leaders became fiercely loyal to David. His strength drew them.

A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher. [Luke 6:40] Using a different analogy, Lord, You show this link between leaders and followers, teachers and students. Evil leaders spread their evil to those that are under them, and attract more evil leaders; Good leaders spread their good to those that are under them, and attract more good leaders. The followers become like their leaders, the students like their teachers. The impact of the leader spreads.

Lord, may I be a man of integrity, humility and devotion to You. May my passion for You grow and spread, and may those around me be impacted by Your Spirit in me. May Your words be on my tongue, and may my actions reflect Your heart. May I be like You, so that those that I lead may become like You too. May my work here at Crossroads, and with LDN, be like the light of morning at sunrise, or the brightness after rain that results in blessing and growth.

Lord, if I do become this kind of a leader, and people respond to me in ways like David’s loyal men (even sacrificing their lives to get him the precious water of Bethlehem), may I in turn offer the praise to You, as David offered that precious water to You. May the glory of any success be to You!

Lastly, Lord, raise up more strong leaders than I already am blessed with, so that the impact of Your work here may be expanded.

Lord, thank You for reminding me of what a good leader is, and the impact that a good leader can have. Help me to be a good leader.

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