God’s hand and ours

SCRIPTURE: 2 Samuel 17
Absalom and all the men of Israel said, “The advice of Hushai the Arkite is better than that of Ahithophel.” For the LORD had determined to frustrate the good advice of Ahithophel in order to bring disaster on Absalom. [2 Samuel 17:14] David is on the run. Absalom is determined to kill him. His top advisor suggests a plan, but instead Absalom listens to Hushai, a friend of his father. Hushai gives advice that sounds good to Absalom, but that he can secretly use to David’s advantage. There are twisted layers to this plot, but one layer people often ignore is where God is at work, the invisible hand at work behind the scene, directing things for His higher purpose.

There is a mystery here. On the one hand, Absalom is a free agent, following the desires of his heart. But on the other hand God is at work behind the scenes, protecting His loved ones, and frustrating the plans of the wicked [see Psalm 146:9]. We are not puppets, but neither are we totally free. Behind the freedom of our daily choices, God’s hand is at work: My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. [John 10:29] Jesus makes it plain that the Father’s hand trumps every other hand.

First, let me say that the inter-relationship between God’s will and ours is complicated. The bible seems to suggest both God’s control and our free will. Some stress God’s will over ours, and others stress our free will over God’s. Both views seem to miss something. I prefer to keep the tension and the paradox, to keep it as a mystery. God is ultimately in control and directs the affairs of this planet and our lives in accordance with His will; and yet, we are free and responsible to accept or reject His will.

Absalom is determined to seize the throne and kill his father; Satan planted this seed, and Absalom received and cultivated it. God did not force him. Ahithophel freely gave his advice, as did Hushai. And Absalom freely chose Hushai’s advice, it made sense to him. But God was weaving His own subtle purpose among them, manoeuvring through their words and actions to accomplish His purpose. He is an active part of every situation, as are we. He is 100% involved and we are 100% involved. This compels me to be active, not passive; yet it also gives me courage to know that its not all up to me. When things go wrong or life gets hard, I can make good choices and be hopeful because I know that through it all, the Lord’s hand is at work, guiding the affairs of my life, so that no one can snatch me from His hands!

Lord, thank You that You are at work in my life, like You were in David’s. Help me to act responsibly, AND to trust in Your loving, powerful hand!


  1. LORD, thank You that Your ways are not our ways. Thank You for the many ways You are at work in our lives, especially behind the scenes while we are oblivious to what is really going on. Thank You LORD that You can and You do incredible things with our without our full knowledge and awareness.

    Thank You LORD for being my Anchor and for keeping me from drifting mindlessly through this life. Thank You LORD for Your mighty hand of protection in all situations and circumstances.

  2. Man’s plans are thwarted once again. Ahithophel thought his advice to Absalom needed to be followed at all costs or it would be the death of him by the people. But instead, he killed himself. It was his way or none other.

    Once again the Lord looked after His servant David, because after he and his men crossed the river, the strangers gave him food. Being persued by his own and yet receiving life from strangers. God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform.

    Am I intune with His ways? Do I inquire of Him the plans for today or do I talk only to my ‘friendly, earth bound’ counsel? What’s my agenda?

    Help me also this day to live TGIF – today God is first. Make me GodStrong to LiveStrong and LoveStrong by what I do and say. Nowhere am I safer than placing my hand in Yours. That’s comfort. That’s true Life. That’s living. Help me on my way this day Lord to live for You knowing Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me.

    That’s peace.

    God moves in a mysterious way
    His wonders to perform;
    He plants His footsteps in the sea
    And rides upon the storm.

    Deep in unfathomable mines
    Of never failing skill
    He treasures up His bright designs
    And works His sovereign will.

    Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
    The clouds ye so much dread
    Are big with mercy and shall break
    In blessings on your head.

    Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
    But trust Him for His grace;
    Behind a frowning providence
    He hides a smiling face.

    His purposes will ripen fast,
    Unfolding every hour;
    The bud may have a bitter taste,
    But sweet will be the flower.

    Blind unbelief is sure to err
    And scan His work in vain;
    God is His own interpreter,
    And He will make it plain.

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