the way of Jesus

SCRIPTURE: 2 Samuel 10
So Hanun seized David’s men, shaved off half of each man’s beard, cut off their garments in the middle at the buttocks, and sent them away. [2 Samuel 10:4] Sent on a mission of peace and blessing, the ambassadors are seized and publicly ridiculed. This is of course what happens to Jesus as well: Then Herod and his soldiers ridiculed and mocked him. Dressing him in an elegant robe, they sent him back to Pilate. [Luke 23:11] Sent by the Father on a mission of peace, Jesus is seized, ridiculed and then crucified. He did nothing deserving this, and in fact deserved to be highly honoured.

In this old testament reading, we see how twisted this world is, and the violence and misery that result. In this world it is a cycle, a pattern repeated through the ages. From one generation to the next we see cruelty celebrated and goodness trampled. People become hardened, selfishness and meanness become normal. This world indeed becomes a ‘survival of the fittest’ or ‘king of the hill’ world, each one striving to get on top of the other, before the other gets on top.

How do we end this cycle of violence and misery? David ended it for a short time by raising an army and defeating his enemies. But history shows that he did not end the cycle, he just postponed it. The war on terror today shows this as well; terrorism is not being wiped out, only spread out and multiplied. Violence does not end violence, it only spreads it out. How do we end this cycle of violence and misery?

The way of Jesus. Yes, He was shamefully treated, but He did not raise an army to exact justice or seek revenge; He forgave His murderers. He loved them and absorbed the injustice Himself. He changed the formula. His solution is love, grace, mercy, peace. Yes, it seems weak in a ‘survival of the fittest’ world, but it is the only way to end the cycle, and to begin a new pattern of healing and hope. This is in fact what the kingdom movement that Jesus starts is all about. Not exacting justice nor seeking revenge, but modelling justice and mercy, and seeking and promoting peace. Paul summarizes the way of Jesus well: Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. [Romans 12:21]

Will I choose the way of Jesus, or will I continue the cycle of sin?

Lord, show me where in my own life I need to practice the way of Jesus, and overcome evil with good.


  1. LORD, how often in our day to day do we, like Hanum take wrong advice, react in haste, following our emotions rather than You? Forgive us LORD for the decisions we make without You. Forgive us LORD for not coming to You first.

    Forgive us LORD for not confessing our mistakes, for allowing pride to take root rather than trying to appologize or make peace when our response has led to hurt, fed anger, caused destruction. As it is possible, I am to live at peace.

    LORD, where I have reacted inappropriately, may I offer my appologies and confess my wrong doing, not allowing pride to take root. Where others have misread my intentions, may I react with grace and forgiveness rather than feed into satan’s work. May I allow You to bring restoration and healing.

    LORD, I want to follow You. I want to listen to Your advice so that I might live in Your love. In my life LORD, be glorified.

  2. David was showing kindness and yet in return, his men were humiliated. The intentions of those who do good are often misinterpreted. In the process of showing the love of God at work, the people of God get hurt. Yet those who do right will be known by their deeds. We can not stop doing what is good and right and true because of people’s reactions to our deeds of loving kindness. They will know that we are Christians by our love. Love means doing.

    Help me to be a dobee each and every day Lord, doing Your will, living the Jesus Way.

    We are one in the spirit we are one in the Lord
    We are one in the spirit we are one in the Lord
    And we pray that all unity may one day be restored
    And they’ll know we are Christians by our love , by our love
    Yes they’ll know we are Christians by our love

    We will walk with each other
    We will walk hand in hand (2)
    And together we’ll spread the news that God is in our land

    We will work with each other we will work side by side(2)
    And we’ll guard each man’s dignity and save each man’s pride
    All praise to the father from whom all things come

    And all praise to Christ Jesus his only son
    And all praise to the spirit
    Who makes all things one.

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