stepping in

SCRIPTURE: 2 Samuel 5
And he became more and more powerful, because the LORD God Almighty was with him. [2 Samuel 5:10] The Lord does not show favouritism [Romans 2:11], yet He favours some, not others [Genesis 4:4-5]. David is favoured and he becomes more powerful, but Saul is not. Isn’t this favouritism? We see a similar observation about Jesus: And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him. [Luke 2:40] God is with Him, His grace is upon Him. God cannot favour those who do what is evil. His favour is not arbitrary, it is based on the inclination of the heart. He could not favour Hitler, He could not NOT favour Jesus, since His heart was perfectly inclined to God.

God’s favour is tied to our heart response to Him: Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favouritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right. [Acts 10:34-35] God does not exclude anyone, but those who reject Him exclude themselves, they remove themselves from His favour [see Romans 2:9-11]. God favours David because he wants to honour God. He is not sinless (multiple wives and concubines, though typical for the time, is not God’s will), but his life and his many psalms reveal a God-focused heart. This is what God wants, this is who God favours.

God is working to restore goodness and remove sin. If I move towards what is good, I move into the stream of His favour; if I move towards sin, I move out of His favour. He never stops loving me, but He cannot bless me when we choose unhealthy behaviours. He is patient, giving me time to come to my senses, but eventually He allows me to experience the wages of our sin.

In this life, my experience of His blessing is limited. Sometimes He leads me through tough times for my own good; sometimes for the benefit of others. When its for me, it may be to prune me of unhealthy attitudes or behaviours; or to protect me from greater danger; or to equip me for greater responsibility and blessing. When its for the good of others, it may be that I can help others through my scars; or God wants me to be somewhere where I can meet and impact someone else; or He wants to use my witness to convict or convert another person. Whatever happens, He is with me, and it is His grace that is blessing or challenging me. If I respond with an open, receptive heart, His grace and favour will increase in me, and I will grow stronger and wiser and more useful to Him and to others.

Lord, I want to grow stronger in Your grace. Show me where I am stepping out of Your favour, and help me to change, to draw closer to You.


  1. As I read today’s passage, the message I sensed the Lord Jesus impressing on my heart was that He is the key to my success. As David’s success was tied to the Lord, so mine is. As David sought the Lord’s guidance, so I must. Practically speaking, this means I need to spend quality time with the Lord, building my trust relationship with Him, and seeking His wisdom and guidance for the daily decisions I face.“The Lord did it!” David exclaimed. [2 Samuel 5:20]

  2. David’s kingship increased in stages and now he had become king of Israel and Judah. And we see that the Lord God was with him. He knew that the Lord had established him as king. HeartStrong for the Lord and he took many more wives/concubines. Ouch!

    In his daily battles, David inquired of the Lord what he should do. The Lord God was with him and he was victorious. He talked with God.

    I too need to be HeartStrong and inquire of the Lord of my daily living/working of His kingdom. What shall I do, Lord? What’s Your agenda for my life. You are in charge. I must need be GodStrong/FaithStrong. I must be dependent upon Him and not my own strength. Do I hear His voice speak to me as clear as David heard it? Am I intune with God in my daily walk?

    Lord bless me on Your way this day. As a small child imitating his father’s walk trying to step in His steps in the sand, so may I too always be in step with You.

    O God, You are my God,
    And I will ever praise You
    O God, You are my God,
    And I will ever praise You

    I will seek You in the morning
    And I will learn to walk in Your ways
    And step by step You’ll lead me
    And I will follow You all of my days.

    And step by step You’ll lead me
    And I will follow You all of my days.

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