
SCRIPTURE: Galatians 3
So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law. [Galatians 3:24-25] Paul is eager to show that following the Law will not help us, for only by keeping the Law perfectly can we be declared innocent. The Law was necessary to keep order, and point people in the right direction (towards God and goodness), but it could not restore people to God or remove guilt – it could only reveal it. The purpose of the Law is to show people our need for God’s help.

Jesus is God’s help for us. He does what we cannot. He perfectly obeys the Law, and He removes the curse of judgment by taking it for us. Since the Law could not help us, Jesus helps us. By trusting in Him, we are accepted by God as forgiven (since Jesus already paid the price for us) and set free from sin, death and hell. The Spirit in us is God’s guarantee that we are forgiven and free. No more fear of judgment, of failure. As far as God is concerned, we are righteous, sinless, innocent.

For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. [Matthew 5:20] How could our righteousness surpass that of the Jewish religious leaders? They were extreme purists. They went nuts to avoid breaking any law. Yet even they were not perfect; in fact their drive for perfection opened them to pride and judgmental spirits. How are we to do better than them? Only by giving up trying. Instead, we admit what is wrong (repent), we trust that by Jesus’ death and resurrection we are forgiven and set free (believe), and we strive with the help of His indwelling Spirit to become more and more like Jesus (follow me). Instead of trying to be good enough so that God will accept us (how the Law works), we now joyfully accept that God has forgiven and accepted us, and given His Spirit to help us change our hearts and lives. No pressure, just joyful, confident surrender to Him! He will take care of the rest.

Believe it or not, I am better than the most religious person. And so are you. And so is anyone, who simply accepts God’s perspective of things. By myself I am nothing. But in His sight (like Abraham), I am loved and accepted, innocent and a work in progress.

Lord, my perspective needs to change. Help me to live free from the pressure to impress You. I am no longer under the supervision of the Law. Help me to live by the freedom and joy of the Spirit.


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