not fair!!!

SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 30
David replied, “No, my brothers, you must not do that with what the LORD has given us. He has protected us and handed over to us the forces that came against us. Who will listen to what you say? The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle. All will share alike.” [1 Samuel 30:23-24] In this story, I see a glimpse of Jesus in how those who stayed with the supplies get an equal amount of the plunder as those who fought in the battle.

Jesus tells a story about workers hired to work for the day for an agreed amount of pay. Through the day, more workers are hired. At the end of the day, those who less than a full day get paid what the all-day workers were to be paid. The all-day workers cry foul… not fair!!!!! ‘These men who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, `and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’ But he answered one of them, `Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’ [Matthew 20:12-15] We feel for the all-day workers. We want what is fair! Or do we? If we really got what we deserved, no one would get anything. All that we receive is a free and generous gift from God – what the LORD has given us [1 Samuel 30:23].

Like David’s soldiers, we think we have worked for what we have. But David’s reminder applies to us as well – everything is a gift of grace, the result of what God has given us. God is generous, and will give to everyone (including me) more than they deserve. I think both of these stories reveal that we do not appreciate grace enough. We speak about it, sing about it, but in actual thinking and practice we think we are better than others, deserve more than others, have done more than others. And therefore we have earned God’s blessing. Until we come to a place where we recognize everything as a free and undeserved gift of God, we will not understand the message of Jesus. As long we do not understand God’s amazing grace, we will be disgruntled and frustrated christians – especially on the last day when the Lord welcomes people that we don’t think deserve to be welcomed. Yes, He will, but He will also welcome us, and there will be people who don’t think we should be welcomed either. Amazing grace!

Lord, I admit that I think I deserve Your favour and blessing. Help me to see myself as no better (or worse) than anyone else, and that what You have entrusted me now (and the future) is because of Your amazing generosity!


  1. vs. 6- LORD, when things go wrong, what is my first response? Is it like David’s men to look for someone to blame, critisize or point fingers at or is it like David who places his strength in You and turns to You for direction and guidance and assurance to carry on?

    vs. 13-15 David was on a mission and came upon a hurting Egyptian slave and took the time to stop and care. LORD, often we get so busy that we don’t even notice the hurting person(s) that You have placed on our path. LORD, give me eyes to see those whom You want me to reach out to, whom You have placed in my path. Grant me a heart that always takes or makes the time to stop and care. Forgive me LORD for the times that I have been too busy, too hurried to even notice…

    LORD as this chapter comes to a close, You remind me yet again that everything, absolutely everything is by Your hand. Nothing is my own, all is Yours. This is true not only for material things but also in service to You. We are all where we are at by Your hand, for Your plans and purposes. We are all in this together no matter what role or position we are serving in.

    LORD, help me to always have a generous heart, clinging to nothing, willing to share everything, recognizing that we are all Your children, You created each and every one of us. We all have a role whether it be on the front lines or in the background behind the scenes. It is Your work, Your ministry! We need each other. May I always be mindful of this truth.

  2. When we are weak, He is strong. When we are in dispair, He is there. In our time of need, the Lord God is our Tower of strength. David found that strength and I too must find my strength in Him always. I need to call upon the name of the Lord at all times – when I am strong and also when I am weak. In the good times and also in the bad times.

    To the victor belong the spoils. David shared what he had taken. He recognized that it was the Lord God who had given Him the victory. David shared the spoils of war with not only his men but also to the people of the places he roamed. What a victory. What an abundance of spoils. What an attitude of gratitude for what the Lord has done! All is His. We must recognize that from day to day. All that I have is also His! To be used for His purposes. God’s blessing shared among His people – not deserved but freely given. God at work among the people through His people.

    All that I am I owe to Thee,
    Thy wisdom, Lord, has fashioned me;
    I give my Maker thankful praise,
    Whose wondrous works my soul amaze.

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