alternative expressions of church

The following video from 100 Huntley Street explores the question “what is the church” and looks at some new and emerging forms of the church. I am especially interested in the section on the FRWY (“free way”), a Salvation Army Church Plant in downtown Hamilton which is built around a Cafe.
This kind of ministry appeals to me, and is a dream I am presently sharing with Crossroads (the church where I pastor).

One Comment

  1. It is a great comfort to me to see God working in these areas … I can envision so many diverse and variant doors will be opening up all through our communities … I am very excited to see how God is preparing us all for this way of worshipping and ministering together! Full time availability without meetings, without order of worship … wow! Can this be possible? That alone is so freeing to think about!

    With God’s blessing, I am hoping to open the doors of my garage very soon for a place such as this for my neighbourhood … an art studio that is open for those to come and “play with clay” as we fellowship together. My prayer for this space is that people will come, have fellowship, and ultimately discover the truth of God through these times together … and of course “play with clay” at the same time!

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