May I never stop!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“They never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.” (Acts 5:42)
In my faith journey, my focus has shifted from churchianity to Jesus.
Churchianity is the way christians turn faith in Jesus into a system.
Everyone insists their interpretation is right, and others are wrong.
Churches debate, argue, fight or split, just like religious leaders then.
I hold my church views a lot less firmly, but I hold Jesus more firmly.
The reality is, no one is right except Jesus, and we all need his grace.
Churches will rise and fall, denominations will form and split.
Their purposes and activities will succeed or fail, depending on their link to Jesus.
Churchianity may dispute my perspectives, and I am OK with that… I do too!
It is not my perspectives that will last, it is the good news of Jesus!
I am encouraged by today’s reading to not stop teaching and proclaiming this good news.
Jesus is the Messiah, the winner over Satan, sin and death, the Lord of all.
His love mission is from God, and no one – including church – can stop it!
I want to share their passion and joy for speaking in the name of Jesus.
Lord, I am done with fighting church fights. I rejoice in the opportunity to speak in your name… may I never stop!


  1. “they never stopped” I hold back – when I do it’s because I look at myself and think I’m powerless. I am. Without the HS working in me, I am. I’m not bold – I’m anxious and fearful. The apostles could have been but they were empowered. Lord help me to see that you are there and that you will resource me as promised. Help me to discern and to walk with you confidently. I need to follow and not be led by my own desires and ego – rather to be submissive to your leading wherever I go. Thank you Lord for being there for me in the past and I know you will be there for the present and future as well!

  2. Man’s activity will fail – those building their own kingdoms, their own self interests, their own ‘kingdoms. I just finished a reading from the book of kings where the king laid all his concerns before the Lord while the attacking king depended upon his own power and his god of wood and stone. Our God reigns. He continues to use His own to proclaim the good news. He arose and is victorious. And I too need to tell the story of His wonderful power and glory.

    I love to tell the story
    Of unseen things above
    Of Jesus and his glory
    Of Jesus and his love
    I love to tell the story
    Because I know ’tis true
    It satisfies my longings
    As nothing else can do
    I love to tell the story
    ‘Twill be my theme in glory
    To tell the old, old story
    Of Jesus and his love

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