Too many assumptions?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“And great fear seized all who heard what had happened.” (Acts 5:5)
I am trying to read this story in a way that makes sense with God’s grace in Jesus.
One thing I notice is how I am assuming things as I read it.
I assume that Ananias and Sapphira were genuine but misguided and naive.
And yet Peter describes them as filled by Satan and conspiring to test the Lord.
Maybe their motives were malicious, used by Satan to cause trouble for the church.
I also assume that Peter was angry, that he was executing judgment in a stern way.
No emotion is indicated; why not assume Peter as feeling the deep sorrow of love?
I also assume God kills them, but all it says is that they dropped dead.
If Ananias and Sapphira sold themselves to Satan, was this was the price he demanded.
I also assume it was “great fear” of God or of sin, but the text doesn’t say this.
Maybe it wasn’t God but Satan, his way of stirring up “great fear” in the church.
Maybe I should assume that this is about Satan’s schemes, not God’s judgment.
Maybe this story warns us to arm ourselves against the devil’s schemes (Ephesians 6:11).
Are there ways today Satan is stirring up “great fear” in the church?
Lord, forgive me for assuming that you are the one to be feared in this story. Strengthen me from Satan’s deceptive lies to me, and for his malicious attacks through others.


  1. Deception – all for show! What is really at the heart! Do I love and serve Jesus genuinely and humbly. Sometimes I have bad thoughts/feelings – that I regret and that I ask to be purged from me. Do I deceive others by showing that I live a ‘righteous life’ while still harboring wrong thoughts. Like Jesus said, if you as much look lustfully you’ve already committed adultery. Then I have to confess that I too am like Ananias and Saphira. The key is that I have to admit it – and I want to. Lord, help me to stay honest with you and own up to the sin that sometimes tempts me – purge the evil I pray!

  2. This is my Father’s world. In all my ways I need to acknowledge Him – to love my neighbour and God above all – not my social status nor wealth , nor power. My resources are for His purposes. I need to be true in all things serving the Lord.

    This is my Father’s world:
    O let me ne’er forget
    That though the wrong seems oft so strong,
    God is the Ruler yet.
    This is my Father’s world:
    Why should my heart be sad?
    The Lord is King: let the heavens ring!
    God reigns; let earth be glad!

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