

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“They were unschooled, ordinary men…” (Acts 4:13)
Jesus delights in making the ordinary extraordinary!
Are these the same men that denied Jesus a few weeks earlier?
Notice what changed them – “these men had been with Jesus!” (Acts 4:13)
I read a biography of an extraordinary man of deep, sincere prayer.
A man who ‘walked and talked’ with Jesus through his days.
Jesus was a part of his daily experience, and it changed him.
I cannot be with Jesus in the same way these disciples were.
But through the Spirit and prayer, Jesus is with me every day.
And he changes me too, if I let him.
Walking and talking with Jesus does not make life easier.
But as I go through life’s challenges and battles, he does use me.
The Lord will change hearts and increase blessing through me.
He uses me to encourage the discouraged, and set captives free.
He uses me to bring hope, peace, joy, life-change… extraordinary!
Lord, remind me how extraordinary life can be when I walk and talk with you through each day. Help me to see some of the extraordinary blessing!


  1. “we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” When we are excited about something we like to share. That’s what it was like for the apostles. Can we be that excited about what Jesus has done for us, for me! When I think of it – death has been conquered even though I face a physical death one day – yet it is not the end of the story – that would be utterly hopeless. Knowing Jesus and telling others about him – but how can I do it so that others will be intrigued – will listen? The same way it was for the apostles – the elders etc. looked at them and so that they were ordinary men – yet they saw the evidence of what faith did. How can I give evidence of what my faith does? To be genuine and excited – to walk with the spirit to say and do the right things at the right time. Lead me, guide me I pray!

  2. Sometimes I forget how real Jesus is -that He is actually here, with us, all the time. When I read the verses yesterday and today I felt delight, surprise and joy. I was aware of His Presence then and now. How amazing that He healed the lame man. How could one not believe and rejoice?
    I was reminded of the time many years ago when Jesus healed our teenage daughter from asthma. She had had an attack that lasted weeks and she could only walk slowly. We were away from home and attended a healing service. Jesus healed her asthma. Suddenly she was running around the church with no shortness of breath. So amazing!
    When we came home we did not make a big deal of this in our own church. We were afraid of what people might think. How very sad this is. Imagine how encouraged people might have been if we had shared about this healing. It was undeniable! Perhaps others would have seen and rejoiced in the realness of Jesus.
    Please Jesus, forgive me for not sharing what Your love did for us.

  3. Whose voice do we/I listen to as we live each day in His presence? Peter and John were instruments of peace for the Lord. Many saw and believed. But once again the religious leaders who should have known the Lord and His work were only interested in their self interests – their popularity. In my daily living for Jesus may others know I am Yours and You are mine. A living witness of His goodness. A living letter I need to be. An epistle.

    I am my Beloved’s and He is mine—
    His banner over me is love,
    I am my Beloved’s and He is mine—
    His banner over me is love;
    I am my Beloved’s and He is mine—
    His banner over me is love,
    His banner over me is love.

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