“I devoted myself to…”


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“They devoted themselves to…” (Acts 2:42)
These verses have been held up as a pattern for what healthy church is like.
Sadly, in my experience, I have never experienced healthy church like this.
Sure, there were some devoted people in them, and at times I tried to be devoted too.
All the churches I’ve been in had most of these elements to some degree.
But I wouldn’t say that any of it inspired awe in me or others.
We did not experience many signs and wonders, except maybe an occasional glimpse.
And the Lord did not add to our numbers daily those being saved…
I used to be inspired by these words, now I am discouraged by them.
But I cannot blame others, I need to look at my own devotion.
We are not called to be a healthy church, we are called to be devoted to Jesus.
Maybe if we started here, we might see more evidence of this kind of church.
Jesus said he would build his church on the faith of his followers (Matthew 16:16-18).
My job is to be devoted to Jesus, and to fulfilling his call on my life.
“I devoted myself to…” – how will I choose to finish this sentence?
Lord, looking at this church I am discouraged. Looking at you, I feel encouraged. Help me to be devoted to you and your calling on my life, and to leave the church to you.


  1. How can I do this? Do I exude a hospitable attitude – so that I too: “enjoying the favor of all the people.” So that I too may be used by the “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved”. I believe it to be both individualistic, what can I do, and communal – what can we do as a community to be inviting to be a ‘draw’ so that others may come in. It has happened in the past – others have been drawn in – but others have also been put off. When we are judgmental and critical – that’s when we turn people off. Thank you for venues where people get to see our Maranatha community more openly and inviting. Help us Lord to be deliberate in reaching out and to help those that are part of our community to feel that they are a part of a community that cares! It starts by being devoted to it – to prayer asking for the spirit to empower us to ‘exude’ the love that Jesus has for people!

  2. God certainly was at work in the early church. There was unity and generosity. There was oneness. God was their focus, praising Him. Everyday. And it was infectious. Like the ripple of water spreading out, their words and deeds brought others into their ‘fold.’ God was certainly at work by His Spirit. And the Lord continues to be at work with His church. But the oneness is lacking this day. Lord be with your people and may they focus of You and not their own desires.

    Have thine own way, Lord!
    Have thine own way!
    Thou art the potter,
    I am the clay.
    Mold me and make me
    after thy will,
    while I am waiting,
    yielded and still.

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