Be assured of this!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Exalted to the right hand of God.” (Acts 2:33)
To be at God’s right hand is to have the highest position in all creation.
The one that was shamed to the lowest position on the cross is now exalted.
Not only over the religious leaders, but over Rome, the world, the gods, sin and death.
Jesus is Lord of everything and everyone, the anointed king (messiah) of all creation.
God’s position has never changed, God has always been in charge.
But God assigned creation to humans, and humans surrendered it to sin and death.
This is why we need a messiah, and why we need a regime change.
Jesus is the living embodiment of goodness, grace, mercy, justice and peace.
Imagine having a purely good leader in our country, in every country!?
Those who follow Jesus want this; they want the goodness of Jesus to rule over all.
They want to see injustice, abuse in all forms, misery and evil ended for all.
The good news is, Satan, sin and death have been beaten, the curse is broken.
We now see in Jesus hope for a better world, and for life beyond sin and death.
Be assured of this: God has made this crucified Jesus both Lord and Messiah!
Lord, when I think of how screwed up our world is right now, I need to be assured of this. Strengthen this confidence in me: you ARE exalted, and goodness will win!


  1. Jesus is who said he is: the promised Messiah: “Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” The scripture foretold and Jesus fulfilled – there is no more waiting – the promised Messiah that Jews and Israelites were waiting for has come and as he indicated – will come again. Jesus help me to busy in your kingdom – waiting for the master to return. Let me be a blessing to others and help me to bear witness to the hope that I have in you, Lord Jesus!

  2. Remember the disciples who wanted to sit beside Jesus? Only Jesus can sit at the right hand of God – an exalted position. He is Lord and Saviour. He came to this earth to save it for this is my Father’s world. One day this sinful world will be renewed to a new creation because He reigns and one day will reign on this earth again. He is Lord.

    He Is Lord; He Is Lord
    He Has Risen From The Dead
    And He Is Lord,
    Every Knee Shall Bow,
    Every Tongue Confess
    That Jesus Christ Is Lord.

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