A good prayer!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Lord, do good to those who are good.” (Psalm 125:4)
The more I think about it, the more I like this prayer request.
It is not a selfish prayer, since it is not ‘do good to me’.
Is the psalmist is assuming that Israel (v.5) is good, and everyone else bad?
I am reading this that the good really are good, loving God and others.
Bless those who are kind, who share, who use their words to bless others.
Be good to those who spread love, who help those who need help, who are generous.
Of course we should want God to do good to these people, so they might flourish.
And maybe those who do bad (cruelty, violence, greed, etc) will be convicted.
And maybe it will spur me on to trust God and do good even more.
The psalmist is confident that those who do God (trust God) will not be shaken.
Wickedness will not be forever but goodness will – “now and forevermore” (v.2)
Do I want Jesus goodness to flourish, for the Spirit’s fruit to grow in the world?
Praying for it is a great place to start, praying this good prayer!
More important, join Jesus in doing good, so that this prayer will apply to us!
Lord, do good to those who are good, and help me to be one of those who are good.


  1. I love the picture of loving protection that this Psalm helps me to imagine: “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore.” I have felt that kind of ‘hedge of protection” around me in the past – remind myself that it is there now and know and trust that it is there in my future! That the Lord is there – his Spirit and his hand is evident – reminding me not to be anxious but trusting that the Lord will surround me with His love and grace!! Love the picture! – And yes the mountains around Jerusalem are real – and so is the reality of God’s protection for me!

  2. Trust in the Lord. He makes those who trust in Him secure. I am planted upon a Rock. My foundation is secure. I am created to serve Him. That means I need to do good and the only way to do that is to dress myself in the armour of God each day so I may produce the fruit of the Spirit. And that is good.

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    Lean not to your own understanding.
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.

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