Set my tongue on fire!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Tongues of fire separated and came to rest on each of them.” (Acts 2:3)
I am trying to figure out what a “tongue of fire” (2:3 is.
The word ‘glossa’ can literally mean the tongue, or a language.
Either way, it normally has to do with the mouth.
I imagine some kind of flame-like lights around them.
But more than that, I imagine their tongues were “on fire”.
They spoke with animation and passion – in unknown languages!
It was the message, not just the ‘fire’ that drew the people.
“We hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” (2:11)
Some people pray to God that they might speak in ‘tongues’.
My prayer is for my tongue to be set on fire for Jesus.
As a Jesus follower, I want Jesus to speak through me.
To speak “with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction.” (1 Thessalonians 1:4)
To tell people about the wonders of God so that they are “utterly amazed” (2:7)!
This can only happen if the Spirit rests on me, and speaks through me!
Lord, I have opportunities to speak about you. Ignite my tongue with your Spirit, that people may hear the wonders about you!


  1. What a mission statement for witnesses: “we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” We speak from our own context – our own language – when we speak with the spirit’s enabling, people can hear the gospel – hear the good news! Lord help us, help me to be faithful to bear witness to the hope I have in you – my living Lord and Saviour Jesus! Learning another language is work – learning it to the point where you can share what it means in words to believe in Jesus may be difficult – but the language of caring and love in Jesus’ name cuts through – it makes people ask why you care? I know, I’ve been asked. It is my prayer that each person who asked that I challenged to learn more about Issa – Jesus – found him! IT is not mine to know – I just need to be faithful!

  2. Fire.
    This reminds me of the burning bush – God’s presence and His calling to do His work. So too, the tongues of fire show God’s presence enabling the disciples to do od’s work bearing witness to the nations. The miracle of all the people hearing in their native language. WoW! God’s word being brought to the nations. And I too need His Spirit to enable me to proclaim His Good News.

    Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove,
    With all Thy quick’ning powers;
    Kindle a flame of sacred love
    In these cold hearts of ours.

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