One more witness for Jesus


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Must become a witness with us of his resurrection.” (Acts 1:22)
Why was only one chosen to witness to Jesus’ resurrection?
My guess is to have twelve leaders, like the twelve tribes of Israel.
Matthias is selected, but does that mean Joseph can’t witness?
If he had actually seen Jesus alive again, could he stay quiet?
I’m not one of the twelve, but that doesn’t mean I can’t witness.
We may not have their formal role, but we do have a faith role.
The Spirit is given to all believers to witness for Jesus.
You don’t have to be a leader in church, or in a church ministry.
You have experienced the risen Jesus in your heart, you know him.
In Acts, Jesus’s message spread out through ordinary believers.
“All except the apostles scattered through Judea and Samaria. Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.” (Acts 8:1,4)
Evangelism is more about the believers than the leaders.
Are you a witness spreading the word about Jesus wherever he takes you?
Lord, we are all selected and sent by you, wherever we work, whatever our role in the world. Make my life a living testimony to the power and hope of your resurrection.


  1. “‘May another take his place of leadership… to take over this apostolic ministry” Some are called to special leadership ministry. It is my hope and prayer that each person gifted with leadership gifts may be used to take on that responsibility – not as an autocratic dominate type but as servant leadership under the HS guidance. I’m thankful for the opportunities that God has entrusted to me – often not sought after but given – to serve in responsible leadership positions. I pray that those whom I led were encouraged in their personal development to be all that God meant them to be. It is a gift – an opportunity – a calling like it was Mattias.

  2. There were more than 12 disciples following Jesus during His life upon the earth. With Judas gone one was selected to replace him as a disciple. A disciple is a follower, a student of the teacher. That’s what we are or I am – a follower of Christ. Christ is living in me and I need to be His by my words and deeds. His followers need to be Christ-like in all of our doings and others will see that we are Christian by our love.

    His forever, only his–
    who the Lord and me shall part?
    Ah, with what a rest of bliss
    Christ can fill the loving heart.
    Heav’n and earth may fade and flee,
    firstborn light in gloom decline,
    but while God and I shall be,
    I am his and he is mine.

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