To join with those desperate for mercy!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master…” (Psalm 123:2)
I’ve never read these words from the perspective of a slave.
For me this idea is theoretical, but imagine if a slave were to read them.
“So our eyes look to the Lord our God, till he shows us his mercy.” (Psalm 123:2)
The slave would certainly relate to “no end of contempt” (v.3)
The psalmist here is spoke from a context they assumed to be normal.
But how do we accept this as God’s truth, as God speaking to us?
This psalm shows us how God speaks and works in a broken, messed up world.
God works with us in our sinful brokenness, speaking through kings and donkeys.
God joins victims and messed up sinners in their misery, to set things right!
Jesus joins us in our desperation, becoming a slave to set us free (Philippians 3:7-8).
This psalm doesn’t justify slavery, it shows us how terrible and wrong it is!
It shows us where God’s mercy is directed, to those in bondage and misery!
It shows us who Jesus came for, and who we need to join too, in desperate prayer.
Lord, help me not to grow comfortable with injustice or abuse. Make me aware of those who endure ridicule and contempt, and to join them in their desperate cry for mercy.


  1. “our eyes look to the Lord our God” There is no other place to look for hope – for mercy. We may look for mercy and hope from others – in technology – in other nations – in other people/benefactors – but really the only lasting hope is in our God – in Jesus! Especially when I’m down, Lord let me hope in you!

  2. Where does my help come from? My Helper is the Lord God. As stated in this Psalm, they and I know and trust in God that He will help us. He is our Sustainer, Redeemer, and Friend. In times of trouble, and in the good times we remember that we/I am in His presence and He knows my name and hears my plea when I call upon Him. For all who are in trouble, persecuted, oppressed may the Lord God have mercy upon us and hear our cries.

    I have a Maker
    He formed my heart
    Before even time began
    My life was in His hands
    He knows my name
    He knows my every thought
    He sees each tear that falls
    And hears me when I call
    Lets all sing, I have a Father
    I have a Father
    He calls me His own
    He’ll never leave me
    No matter where I go

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