Seeing with the heart!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God.” (John 20:31)
This section is on believing that Jesus is for real, and really is God’s messiah.
This is John’s point, he wants more and more people to experience and know Jesus.
Thomas’s doubt is not unusual, but it quickly faded when he saw Jesus.
Jesus says that those who believe without seeing are especially blessed.
I guess that would be me; so why is it that I believe, even if I haven’t seen?
My response would be that I have seen, not with my eyes but with my heart and mind.
The gospels give me a mental picture of Jesus, of his life and truth.
And the truth of what he said and did resonates deep within me.
I see it with my heart, and Jesus by the Spirit shows himself to me there.
This kind of proof will not convince the sceptic, rationalist or empiricist.
But I am not trying to prove anything; like John I am reporting what I have seen.
I tell others so they can believe too, praying that Jesus shows himself to their heart.
Once you’ve seen Jesus like this, you can’t help but say “My Lord and my God!” (20:28)
This is my prayer for you: that you would be blessed in knowing Jesus this way!
Lord, thank you for the blessing of seeing you in my heart and mind. Use me to help others see you this way too!


  1. “But these are written that you may believe[b] that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name”. Thank you John, Matthew, Mark and Luke – for your accounts of the life and work of Jesus Thank you Lord for the written word so that we may learn more of the living word. Thank you HS for helping the words pop out and influence and encourage me as I believe and grow in believing. Thank you for this special gift that I may read and grow closer to you. Continue to inspire me Lord as I desire to live for you!

  2. Seeing is believing?
    Thomas saw and he believed.
    I have His Word today and read it each day for it contains the truth about seeing. It is my instruction book for real life and opens up by the leading of His Spirit. This is the Light I need to truly see by faith. Thomas saw the proof he needed and believed. You and I have the proof we need to believe. The BIBLE. The whole book is about believing. It is the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

    The B-I-B-L-E,
    Yes that’s the book for me;
    I stand alone on the Word of God,
    The B-I-B-L-E.

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