Still a lot to learn!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“They still did not understand…” (John 20:9)
There are still many things that I do not understand.
I do not understand how Jesus’ death covers my sins.
I do not understand how Jesus could be fully divine, yet fully human.
I do not understand how the Father, Word and Spirit are three yet one.
There are many things in scripture that are difficult to explain.
This is OK, and so is the fact that we do not understand them.
The disciples had spent 3 years with Jesus, and still did not understand.
Here we see Peter and John, two big names in the early years of the church.
And yet they are still treated as disciples, and used by Jesus.
A disciple is a student, and a student is someone that still needs to learn.
Can someone be a disciple today and not believe in the resurrection, or the cross?
I say YES, as did Jesus, who gathered many disciples who did not understand.
Let any and all who want to become students be welcomed and graced.
Let them begin the learning journey, and let Jesus use them to change the world!
Lord, I still have a lot to learn. Thank you for accepting me despite what I don’t yet know or understand or believe. I want to keep learning with you!


  1. The empty tomb – that was evident to all of the first visitors to the tomb on that first Easter Sunday. They saw the evidence – the various linen strips – but not Jesus. But only one believed: “He saw and believed. ” We don’t get to see the tomb – they did and saw it was empty. But why was it empty requires faith in believing that it is because Jesus has risen from the dead – not because his corpse was stolen. One did without believe even though he did not see Jesus. WE too need to believe even though we don’t see Jesus!

  2. The empty tomb.
    That is central to our faith – the resurrection. If was no resurrection then our faith is in vain. He arose as He said. The one disciple saw and believed. They went back to where the others were staying sharing what they saw but did not understand until they saw Him again. What was the meaning of all this? Open my eyes Lord for this event also has meaning in my life – how I live for Jesus. He changes everything.

    Jesus, All For Jesus,
    All I Am And Have And Ever Hope To Be. [2]

    All Of My Ambitions, Hopes And Plans
    I Surrender These Into Your Hands. [2]

    For It’s Only In Your Will That I Am Free, [2]

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